Thursday, May 31, 2018

Looking Back on the May 29th Chapter Meeting 

What a busy nite at Durant for the Harmonizers!

Chapter executive director Randall Eliason welcomed our visitors from the British Association of Barbershop Singers, The Kingsmen from Kingsbridge,  Their chorus was with us for the whole evening. 

They are spending about 10 days in the US visiting cities and choruses. They had been in the Lancaster PA area and sang with the Red Rose Chorus there.  After their visit in Alexandria, they left early on Wednesday for NY and a visit with the Westchester Chordsmen in Westchester, NY.  While they were in our area they toured DC. They stayed at a hotel on Eisenhower Ave. and walked to Durant as a group.  Our own Jim Kirkland was their walking guide. Gerry Fuller was coordinator with their leadership for this visit in Alexandria.

The founder of their chorus and current director, Roy Hann, and several of their leadership team met with our musical and chapter leaders at Theisman’s before coming to Durant.

The Kingsmen sang a couple songs for us; we all sang together on the risers; and then they were on hand for the musical work session with our music and performance team.  At the end of the nite, we all sang “Keep The Whole World Singing” together.

In addition to having our visitors, there was the usual set up work of risers and all the other equipment needed to operate a meeting.

AND the new chorus suits were issued by uniform chair Robyn Murane with a team of helpers who accepted payments, collected old suits being turned in and helped get info to the members such as the instruction sheet for altering the new suits.  Rick Savage was a key helper in checking the sizing questions. We did this on the stage.  Several members helped haul out the collected old suits for Robyn to sell.

At the start of the evening, the president of the Potomac Harmony SAI Chorus in Arlington, congratulated the chapter for the launch of its 70th anniversary and presented the chapter with a gift card.

While the work progressed on issuing the uniforms, associate director Tony Colosimo taught our guests,  and those Harmonizers who had finished with their uniform, a tag or two.

Then all singers in the house were on the risers for a warm up session with Tony.

After our guests sang for us, we switched places and they watched while the Harmonizers’ contest chorus members did the two song set for recording and filming. This was after a brief review by choreographer Carlos Barillo.  Assistant director Chuck Hunter directed the ballad and Tony directed the uptune.
And after that, we launched a busy work nite on songs for the fall anniversary show. All singers were invited back to the risers who wished to do so.

We made progress on “Great Day” with visual review and instruction by Craig Kujawa.

Communications director Steve Murane conducts the chapter meeting sessions these days.  He clarified the correct name for our possible new meeting site as Scottish Rite Temple.  It is at 1430  Braddock Rd. in Alexandria.  We will be there for all of our meetings in June including the two special Thursday nite rehearsals June 21 and 28, AND for the June 26th dress rehearsal and Send Off performance before going to Orlando.

ALSO NOTE: there will be pre-dress rehearsal at the June 19th chapter meeting at Scottish Rite Temple so there are no surprises in Orlando.  That means there are 21 days to have alterations done!!!
Fall show ticket chairman Ian Poulin had consignment tickets available to members.  There are still some other choruses in the area that need a “Harmonizer salesperson” to go visit them with fall show ticket information. See Steve Murane.

The Brazil trip is off, but watch for an email from chapter leadership about another trip overseas in 2019.
There was another reminder about the chorus retreat. Steve reminded guys to turn in their payment for the chorus retreat to Howard Nestlerode. The retreat will be June 8-9-10 at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD, (about 70 miles from Springfield).  Friday June 8th will be mandatory for front row and optional for all others with special sessions for the small groups to be coached. There are many good restaurants in town and it is a good social time on Friday nite. Fees include lodging; three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday; plus linens and a Saturday evening party. There are three price levels – Friday-Sunday attendees ($114); Saturday-Sunday attendees ($83); and commuters who won’t be staying any nite ($78). Non-competing members are welcome to attend. Many members are behind in getting in their payments.  All requests for roommate assignments are due to retreat master, Chuck McKeever, immediately.

Also note that the “Magic City Countdown” newsletters from our convention coordinator Craig Kujawa have resumed.  He sent one earlier in the week about transportation matters, and promises others to be coming our way soon.

Chorus manager Mark Klostermeyer announced the Class of 2018 and presented them their blue/green “bandana” to be worn at every Harmonizer event until walking on stage in Orlando.  The class includes Adam Afifi, Rob Barnovsky, Connor Goss, Jerry Jayjohn, Chris Leyen, Mickey Robertson, Mario Sengco, and Johan Westberg. They meet with Mark after chapter meeting on the stage for more instructions and to get their assignment to elect a class president. 

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler provided a Man of Note award pin for Jerry Jayjohn to give to his sponsor, Brian Miller.  Chris also presented membership renewals to John Greene for 7 years; Rob Barnovsky for 8 years; Nick Leiserson for 8 years; Chris Odell for 9 years; Ian Poulin for 18 years; and Howard Nestlerode for 43 years.

Dave Kohls was back in town and announced plans for focus group sessions at the retreat next weekend to get member input on the work done by the strategic planning committee.  Guys were asked to sign up for one of three sessions during the weekend. The first one is Friday nite at 7:30 pm.

Calvin Schnure welcomed our guests from England, and then specifically singers Dale, Nick and Jake.
For break we served a decorated cake for our chorus guests.  Thanks to Gerry Fuller for getting the cake and bottled water to the hall, and for Sandy and Aideen who cut the cake and served it for all to enjoy.

After break, it was back on the risers to work on fall show songs.

After the meeting, a crew of men loaded both sets of risers for relocation.
Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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