Thursday, July 12, 2018

Looking Back on the July 10th  Chapter Meeting 

This week’s post-contest meeting was a work session for the fall show.

Director Joe Cerutti was at the piano, and the smaller than usual chorus was seating in the theater seats at Scottish Rite Temple.  

We concentrated on the most challenging songs first and then added some visual choreo review to some songs.

Some men brought in the “new” uniform for the exchange project.  NOTE – EVERYONE MUST HAVE THEIR NEW UNIFORM BACK NEXT WEEK!

Before a break in rehearsal, Joe spoke about the many comments he had received from qualified friends and BHS leaders.  And he opened the floor for comments from our guys. There will be more analysis and statistics next week.

Executive director Randall Eliason conducted a brief chapter meeting.  All July chapter meetings will be at the Scottish Rite Temple. 

Music committee admin guy Terry Reynolds reported that the remaining new songs will be up on Groupanizer tonite or Wednesday.  ANOTHER NOTE:  many of us need to print out the new last page of “Steppin Out” in order to get the correct tag.

As a reminder, Joe is willing to meet extra nites (on Thursdays) for guys to work on the show songs. First one is July 19th  at 7 pm at the Temple..  Then Aug. 2. 9 and 16.  Likely at 7 pm.  

Brad Jones, coordinator for the chapter trip to England, announced that there is still time for up to 25 more folks to sign-on for the trip.  The $200 deposits are due to Brad.  And a person can cancel up to Aug. 1st to get refund of deposit.

Ian Poulin, ticket chair for our fall show, reports that consignment ticket monies or the tickets must be turned in by Tues. Aug. 7th.

President Shawn Tallant thanked some key workers at last week’s convention including Craig Kujawa who was our chairman, Chuck McKeever who stepped up to manage the Harmo HideAway, and our truck drivers Chuck Powell and Chris Leyen. Also YeEd knows that the guys in the Class of 2018 helped with many tasks during the week like moving risers and shopping for the HideAway.

Shawn also reports that he has had initial discussions with Sean Devine and the Hershey chapter to plan another softball game.

Several men from the chapter have health issues.  Ross Johnson developed an eye issue in Orlando, but the end result was nothing awful and he could fly home on Monday for care here.  Bob Wachter is back in the hospital.  And Mike Everard is in rehab from his surgery for vein replacement.

Membership chair Calvin Schnure welcomed three guests who are back with us – all had been here twice before early in June – Adam, Peter and Jordan.

After the meeting there was a short break and then back to work on the music.

We ended the meeting right at 10 and guys went to the afterglow – or headed home to get some more rest after the Orlando trip.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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