Saturday, September 15, 2018

Looking Back on the September 11th Chapter Meeting 

This week’s meeting and rehearsal was totally dedicated to review of two songs from “I am Harvey Milk” that the chorus will sing at Strathmore on Sunday, Sept. 16th.  The retiring CEO of Strathmore asked the chorus to sing for his retirement celebration.

Director Joe Cerutti used the piano on the stage at Scottish Rite Temple to lead the chorus in this quick review.  The singers were well prepared and the meeting ended early.  Some of our chorus friends who sang “Milk” before joined us and some new guys who were not members then also have learned the two songs – “San Francisco” and “Friday Night in the Castro.”

Before adjournment, soloists were auditioned for the performance.

There were several guests with us including Greg, Adam, Tom, and Ray Johnson, a former member who sings now with the Masters of Harmony in California.

Announcements all had to deal with the rehearsal on Thursday and the  performance on Sunday at the venue. Call times are 8 pm Thurs. and 12 noon on Sun. Singers will wear the new blue suit for the show and black camp shirt for the rehearsal.

Before ending, there was a brief session to share reactions from the anniversary show.  Joe reported the terrific responses from several of our presenters.

Since the meeting adjourned early, a good crowd of guys went over to Ramparts for afterglow.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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