Just like last week, it was work on
the show music. But mostly, we worked on
spots in some of the songs, worked on transitions inside songs and got a feel
for the script and characters.
Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups, and
then director Joe Cerutti took
over. We also got to see the “monks” do
their flip-card routine for the “Hallelujah Chorus” number. Our a cappella
group, TBD, also have some parts in the first-half scripted show. We are bringing
back the popular Jack in the Box from our many successful holiday dinner
Also our guest quartet for the show,
BETTER TOGETHER, sang one holiday song for us.
That is Andrew and Heather Havens, and Tony and Elizabeth Colosimo. They had their hands full – literally – with
the Colosimo little ones on hand to
climb on dad while he sang.
Some details about the show weekend
schedule were announced – 7 pm dress rehearsal on Fri. Dec. 7 at TC
Williams. Bring the costume and
sweatshirt outfit so show producers can check them out. More accurate and
detailed info to be released via email this week – to include call time for
Saturday before the show.
Obviously everyone needs to sell
more tickets so there is a full house.
Silent auction items are still needed as well – give them to Randall
Eliason or Mike Kelly.
NOTE – also guys are asked to bring
two wrapped empty boxes to use on the stage. Bring them to the Fri. nite
rehearsal. Bows can be added. Bring
colors are best. Use large boxes like paper comes in.
Communications team leader Steve Murane conducted the actual
chapter meeting. First one was news that
Dean Rust is leading a contingent of
Harmonizers in the Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk. He and those who join him will carry the
Harmo banner in the parade Sat. Dec. 1st starting at 11 am. Contact Dean
if you can join in the fun.
Sowers was on hand this evening with a lot
of barbershop CDs he was giving away to any happy takers.
Crusenberry has worked up a good sing out for
veteran/retirement homes on Sat. Dec. 15th. Details also due to come out via email.
Reminder to those going on the
England trip next year. The next $600
per traveler payment is due on Dec. 4th. Email Brad Jones for details.
Be sure to invite friends and
relatives and former members for this year’s Wilbur Sparks Memorial Put
Together Quartet Contest on Tues., Dec. 11th at Scottish Rite
Temple. Cake and goodies afterward. Lots of quartets have signed up and there can
always be more. Matt Doniger is the contact man.
President Shawn Tallant encouraged members to consider a donation to the
chapter in this year’s “Double My Dues” fundraising campaign. Several guys have already donated.
He also reminded everyone about the
holiday Heat Glow on Sat. Jan. 5th at home of Jack and Pat Pitzer.
Membership team leader Calvin Schnure introduced our newest
member Dylan Smith. He also welcomed singing guest Josh, grandson of Carl Kauffmann.
After the meeting, there was riser
moving effort to prepare for a rental and to clear the auditorium stage
Until next time – editorjack! (This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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