Monday, December 17, 2018

Looking Back on the Dec. 11th  Chapter Meeting and Put Together Contest
We had as lot of fun this week.  Many guys arrived early and there were quartets working on their songs for the contest all over in the Scottish Rite Temple meeting place.

Director Joe Cerutti did a recap of the successful holiday show.  And he welcomed comments from guys on the risers.  He also shared that anyone who wanted to offer suggestions for future shows or comments about how to make the show better should forward those ideas or thoughts to Joe Cerutti Sr., our shows chairman.

Joe Jr. did recognize Jeff Burkey and Joe Sr. for their leadership for the event.  Joe Sr. thanked all the “rock stars” on the risers and behind the scenes who worked to make it all fly.  Jeff thanked Terry Reynolds, Troy Hillier, and Noah Van Gilder for their patience and dedication to get the script ready.  Casey Belzer also reported on the printed program.  Dean Sherick thanked all the guys for their work to sell tickets.  Randall Eliason thanked Kristin Kelly for her hard work to make the silent auction such a success.   Dean Rust thanked the “monks” for their extra efforts to prepare for the performance.

It was announced that the show is on the Alexandria Harmonizers YouTube account.

Randall conducted a brief chapter meeting. Next week, Dec. 18th  is the Carol Crawl in Old Town Alexandria.  We will assemble at 7 pm at Market Square behind the stage (maybe inside the City Hall Bldg.) Wear a colorful sweater, scarf or hat. We will end the nite at Chadwicks for an afterglow. 

Dean Sherick did announce that tickets are available for The Whiffenpoofs show on Feb. 9th.

On Sat. Dec. 15th we will sing at four senior centers starting at 12:30 pm at The Fountains. Watch for exact details from Clyde Crusenberry.

The chapter will not meet after Dec. 18th until Jan. 8th. 

But there will be the annual Heat Glow on Sat. Jan. 5th at home of Jack and Pat Pitzer. This is a continuation of a traditional party for the whole chapter and their significant others. 7 pm at Jack’s house – 7801 Suffolk Ct., Alexandria VA 22315.  Casual dress. Bring finger-food hors d’oeuvres or holiday goodies to share.  Wine is you wish.  We will make the traditional Heat Glow Grog recipe that has been served at a similar event for over 50 years!

President Shawn Tallant is still eager to collect any monies from members in the Double My Dues Campaign for the end of 2018.

Randall announced the sad news that Austin Cotton is in hospice care, and that Terry Reynolds mother died on Monday.

A check to the chapter was presented from our a cappella group, TBD, who sang a gig on behalf of  the chorus.

Someone announced that annual Blast hosted by the Dundalk Chapter will be on Dec. 27th  at 7 pm at American Legion Post #38, 3300 Dundalk Ave., Dundalk, MD 21222. Mike Kelly is going and Rick Savage is singing with his quartet buddies from PREMIER.

Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Matt Doniger for 7 years and to Drew Fuller for 29 years.

Then after a half hour break, the annual Wilbur Sparks Memorial Put Together Quartet Contest was held.  Emcee was Joe Sr.  Judges were past presidents Brad Jones, Bob Wells, and Mick Stamps with Jack Pitzer keeping track of the scores for the ten entries.  Award plaques were presented to comedy and regular quartets. 

Winners in the comedy category were COLD FRONT with Dylan Smith, Dave Branstetter, Tyler Carpenter and Brian Ammerman (They all were wrapped in blankets and had a box of tissues and sang with a stuffy nose sound.) . Second place was YOU BETTCHA with Kellen Hertz, Randall Eliason, Jeff Burkey, and Johan Westburg.  Third place was FOUR TAPS with Drew Fuller, Johan Westburg, Stan Quick, and Jim Kirkland.

Winner is the regular quartet contest were MOSTLY DEAD with Casey Belzer, Jim Kirkland, Krissi Folsom, and Matt Doniger.  Second place was CLOWN POSSE with Joe Cerutti Jr., Mario Senco, Duncan Woodbury, and Ken Rub.  Third place was AS YOU WISH with Rob Barnovsky, Chuck Hunter, Joel Golden, and Dave Welter.

A mic tester quartet called DQ was all past district quartet champs and thus not eligible to win – Chuck Hunter,  Mike Kelly, Rick Savage, and Will Cox. 

Matt Doniger was contest chairman and assembled the quartets as needed and made up some of their names. After the contest we all adjourned to the cafeteria for cake (made by Krissi – thanks for the chocolate and vanilla sheet cake everyone enjoyed) and waters and sodas.

Plaques were presented to the winners with a gold medal to the first place winners.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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