Sunday, June 9, 2019

Looking Back on the June 4th Chapter Meeting 

The Harmonizers arrived this week excited and charged about their successful appearance on Monday nite for the US Supreme Court.

Before the chorus started, the front row was working on some of their performance routines. And everyone chipped in to set up the risers that had been taken to Baltimore for the contest weekend.
Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups along with Jason Lee who taught the tag “Down by Old Point Bay.” Will Cox completed the warm up session.

Director Joe Cerutti recognized the quartets who had been in the division contest over the weekend.  He saluted third place SILVER ALERT – Rick Savage, Mike Edison, Will Cox, and Steve Murane.  

Then Joe invited guys to comment on their Supreme Court experience.  It was a Thanks for the Memories event!

The chorus welcomed coach Steve Scott who came from Nashville to help us work on the show music for 2019.  It was work indeed!

Steve Murane, chapter communications director, conducted the chapter business session. He promoted attendance and registration for Harmony College East here in our own district.

Next week, June 11th, we will celebrate the Charter Night of our chapter.

Anyone going to Salt Lake City this summer for the International BHS convention are invited to contact Dixie Kennett if they want the handbook she is preparing for convention attendees.  It is full of useful info.

Bob Rhome is offering to meet with anyone in the chapter interested in learning more about managing the chapter calendar on Groupanizer.  He is looking for an apprentice for the work he does.

Steve reports there are chapter business cards for all to use – get them off of the membership kiosk. 

Don Thompson is working up an order for shirts (polo, tee, sweat) for those going to Scotland.  He will have more details and prices and samples next week.

Mark your calendars for the chapter social event karaoke nite with the Alexandria Singers on June 29th at Convergence Theater. 

Thanks to Clark Chesser for his work to publish the quarterly ECHO publication that goes to supporters, patrons, members and fans. 

President Shawn Tallant thanked Joe and his team for their extra efforts to make the Supreme Court show a success. He also recognized Robyn Murane for her efforts as well.

And Shawn reports that a few more singers are needed to sign up for the 2010 trip to Hawaii for the 75th anniversary of VJ Day.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Scott Beach for nine years; Al Herman for 36 years; and Howard Nestlerode for 44 years.

After a break time, MISS OTIS REGRETS quartet that was fourth place this past weekend sang a song for the chapter. Quartet includes Mario Sengco, tenor; Jordan Haedtler, lead; Chris Leyen, bari;  and Ken Rub, bass. 

Then it was back to work on 2019 show music with Steve Scott.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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