Friday, July 19, 2019

Looking Back on the July 16th Chapter Meeting

The Harmonizers arrived ready to work and from all evidence of their performance, they had been working at home on their music and visuals. Musical leaders were very pleased!

Associate director Tony Colosimo did vocal warm ups and Jason Lee used a tag to get the chorus singing together.  Director Joe Cerutti thanked all the men for coming, including a number of guests. He explained the goal for the nite was to have the men going to Scotland to experience their new riser placements for that trip.  Those going to Scotland formed the center of the riser chorus and all others used the far end riser sections for the warm ups and beginning runs of some songs.

Later those not going to Scotland met in another room and worked with assistant director Chuck Hunter in preparation for the fall show.  The front row also met in another room.

Joe and Tony helped the men with their performances and were able to do some coaching and fixing as the chorus is far along in being ready to entertain with these great Broadway songs.

Since there was so much music to cover, the chapter meeting was short.  Anyone needing uniform parts for the trip or the fall show should contact Robyn Murane.

There will be a chapter meeting on Tues. Aug 6th while the chorus is overseas, but it is an optional meeting for those still in the area.  Jason Lee will be heading up the music team that nite. One more chance to prepare for the fall show.

Dean Sherick had fall show tickets available on consignment.  They are $35 general admission at Schlesinger Concert Hall on Sat Sept 14th at 4 pm.  Each member can take some and start selling. The shows team is eager for all members to sell ads for the printed show program.  There are forms available and price charts. See Joe Cerutti Sr.

President Shawn Tallant reported that Sam McFarland had another knee replacement this week and is home recovering. 

Shawn also welcomed our newest member, Alex Crounk. Welcome aboard!

Finally Shawn asked for a few more men to respond to the chapter survey regarding extra events in 2010.
Ben Watsky welcomed guests with special assistance from Mikey Robertson who delivered the “I Sang with the Harmonizers” button with flair, fun, and excitement!  Guests included Callan Harding, Melanie Jewell, Connie Mitchell, Liam Ely, Daniel Secco, and Gustavo Marchese Secco.

There was another big crowd of guys at Rampart’s for the afterglow this week. Everyone is welcome every week.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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