Looking Back on the August
27th Dog Days Event
The host chapter president welcomed all singers and the many family members and friends in the hall for the concert. He also thanked the Harmonizers for bringing sound equipment and risers. Thanks too for our truck driver Bob Blair, riser guys, and our sound crew of Mike Kelly, Jack Cameron, and Dennis Ritchey.
The first group to sing was the Mount Vernon Harmony Heritage Singers, directed by Drew Fuller. Emeritus director Bob Wachter sang in the front row as did Mike Everard.
Their riser singers included many familiar faces such as Bruce Minnick, Walt Page, Jim Kirkland, and Lou Manfre.
Several of their chapter quartets help them present their package of songs including a quartet with Jim. Jim is currently president of the HHS daytime chorus as well as an active Harmonizer.
The second group was the Fairfax Jubilaires directed by Richard Lewellen and several new assistant directors including Nikki Aiuto. Both Minnick and Fuller sang with them as did Sam McFarland. Their package featured songs from their recent shows.
Third group up was the Chorus of the Old Dominion from Loudon County directed by John David Mayberry. They posted several quartets along with their chorus and invited the audience to join in the fun with movements and rhythm routines.
Two of their members are in a new quartet with two Harmonizers Dave Welter and Frank Fedarko and they sang two songs.
At this point there was as long break scheduled for singers to meet and mingle and sing together, for folks to enjoy the refreshments provided by the hosts, and for folks to buy raffle tickets or show tickets. (Ike Evans was one of the winners this year!)
After the break, our hosts, the Bull Run Troubadours,directed by Glenn Williamson. Their chapter also used a number of quartets for their show time.
Bringing up the end of the show a large Harmonizer chorus. Terry Reynolds used the mic to welcome the guys to the risers. Associate director Tony Colosimo was maestro. Terry explained that we would be singing songs from our up-coming show. And of course Terry promoted ticket sales at our sales counter in the hall staffed by Dean Sherick, Joe and Janet Cerutti.
The chorus performed “Anything Goes” with full stage presentation; “Impossible Dream;” “Bright Side of Life;” “For Good” with Jon Frank as soloist; and “Circle of Life” with Tony as soloist and Bob Blair as percussionist. Our senior quartet, SILVER ALERT, sang as part of our package. Our team of speakers stepped forward to present each of the songs.
There were a lot of familiar faces in the hall besides those mentioned above including Geoff Berman, Martin Banks, Tom Frederick, Terry Jordan, Jack Pitzer, Alan Wile, Don Johnson, Bob Eckman, and Paul Grimes.
Alan was pressed into service to provide his Harmo shirt so a member could sing, in exchange for a tie-dyed t-shirt to wear for the evening!! Good sport, Alan!
All of the choruses joined us on the risers at the end for “Keep The Whole World Singing” which Tony directed.
Terry also invited other men to join us for the Men’s Choral Fellowship on Oct. 16th at 7 pm at Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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