Sunday, November 10, 2019

Looking Back on the Oct. 29th and Nov. 5th Chapter Meetings 

(Thanks to Jerry Jayjohn for taking notes for the two chapter meetings while YeEd was gone to the Midwest.  Jack Pitzer)

On October 29th the chapter came together for its regular chapter meeting.  We started with a warm up and timing exercise with associate director Tony Colosimo, going over rhythms. Then continued a vocal warm-up lead by Jason Lee, after that Tony directed us through the “Twelve Days of Christmas” and all the various iterations of the ‘five baritones’ section, and reviewing the new fun lyrics for the piece.

Tony then dismissed the large chorus into sections to review a few pieces for 15-20 minutes, then we came back as a full chorus and sang through the songs we had reviewed in sections. 

The normal business portion was conducted by Steve Murane, going over announcements, with some comments by president Shawn Tallant. Four new Harmonizers were introduced to the chapter - Peter Kempf, John Sifuentes, Duncan Peacock, and Devin Gerzof. Welcome all!  Then Ben Watsky introduced the two guests, and we sang the welcome song for them.

After break, we split into small groups and reviewed “Jingle Bell/Sleigh Ride,” “Toyland,” “Carol of the Bells,” and “Gloria,” with rotating leaders of Jason, Tony, Terry Reynolds, and Reed Livergood. After about 30 minutes the entire chorus returned and we reviewed “Mary Did You Know,” and closed with “Jingle Bells/Sleigh Ride.” There was about 70 men in attendance and a great fellowship with everyone welcoming the new members.

 On Tuesday November 5th, the guys came together for their regular chapter meeting at the Scottish Rite Temple. To open the rehearsal, associate director Tony Colosimo lead the chorus through a quick vocal warm up and jumped right into our rehearsal. We ran through the “Twelve Days of Christmas” several times, working extra on the ‘five baritone’ section.
Before break, we had our regular business meeting, going over announcements for upcoming rehearsals and performances. Ben Watsky announced our guests and we welcomed them in song. We had about a 10 minute break before returning.
When the guys returned to the risers, Tony took the chorus through a couple of songs, before breaking the chorus into small groups. As in previous weeks, the four groups went to different areas, with rotating leaders moving from group to group going over set sections of selected numbers. Once all the groups had a chance with each leader, we assembled back in the auditorium.
We worked on “Gloria,” focusing on the small group part at the beginning. We closed the nite by singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”  Even though the main chorus was dismissed most guys watched those in the Veteran’s Day performance group rehearse their repertoire, showing great brotherhood and unity among the guys.
 In other news from the Sunshine District contest and convention, YeEd received word that former member Harold Nantz, and original tenor of VAUDEVILLE, was named to the Sunshine District Hall of Fame and was given his 50-year pin.  Chapter member Keith Jones and former member Bob Thames sang with the Sunshine Statesmen seniors chorus in the contest and qualified to compete at the upcoming BHS midwinter convention in FL.  Joe Cerutti was music judge for that district contest.
Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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