Friday, May 14, 2021

Looking Back on the May 11th 2021 Virtual Chapter Meeting

      Looking Back on the May 11th 2021 Virtual Chapter Meeting


The administrative and musical leadership of the Alexandria Chapter announced the criteria leading up to our return to face-to-face meetings in the coming months!!  In summary, our board of directors approved a recommendation from the chapter’s advisory committee for returning to in-person meetings tonight.  Then the music team will work to make things work within the framework of those requirements.


The advisory committee to recommend how and when to meet face-to-face was chaired by Jason Lee, and includedRandall Eliason, Steve White, Frank Shipp, Chris Huber, Bruce Roehm and Stan Quick.  Their recommendations were based on CDC guidelines and statistical trends in infections and vaccinations in our area.  They also talked with other major barbershop choruses in BHS to compare planning and progress. Plus they conducted a survey of our members that revealed that 100% of the respondents had gotten their vaccinations.  They also concluded that there was a reluctance of vaccinated members to meet with non-vaccinated persons.


They recommended and the board approved the following ground rules:


1.     All attendees must be vaccinated.

2.     Proof of vaccination must be submitted to  A roster will be maintained showing the results of these submissions.

3.     All attendees will be masked – the chapter will purchase some to issue at the first rehearsal.

4.     Attendees will be six feet apart.

5.     There shall not be more than 20 people in the room.

6.     Hand sanitizers will be readily available.

7.     The 20 attendees will sing in a room for 30 minutes, and then move to another room so the air can be refreshed in the emptied room.  (Leaders have identified four rooms at Scottish Rite Temple for our use when we go there.)

8.     No guests will be allowed.

9.     Each man will sign some kind of a waiver regarding his knowledge of the risks.

10.  These criteria may be changed in the future by the committee and the board.


There will continue to be Zoom access for the meetings.


The music team will adjust their plans, instructions and methods to fit within these criteria.  There will be some adjusting and trials by the music team to see how things can work and a dry run will be conducted at SRT soon.  


The goal is to start implementing this plan for meetings in June.  It was also noted that there is no pressure that someone MUST attend under these criteria. Questions for the music team can go to Joe, Tony and Terry.  Admin questions can go to Stan.


At this point, Harmonizers should get their shots, submit a copy as outlined and await instructions about the start of the June sessions.

Artistic director Joe Cerutti announced the prospect of a new Harmo House – his home where folks can meet and gather and celebrate and sing.  He and Terry Reynolds have purchased the home of Lew Klinge who has moved to Ames, IA, to be closer to family.


Before moving on to singing, Joe welcomed Jorge Acevedo from El Paso on the Zoom call, and welcomed back to Jeff Burkey who we have not seen for a while.  Joe also announced that Kellen Hertz’s grandmother passed recently.


Associate director Tony Colosimo did a warm up session for the good number of singers on the call this week.


The music team used Jamulus again this week and a quartet to demonstrate “Something’s Comin” (Devin Gerzof, Tony, Jacob Broude, and Steve White).  All those on Jamulus were asked to sing as well as those on Zoom. 


Next the music team worked via Zoom with all singers on the new song, “Sing,” which should be a fun number for our audiences. When we adjourned to sectional breakouts, they worked on the same song.  Some shared a piece of the Pentatonix version of this new song.


A new feature this week was “coaching under glass” when Tony coached a singer who had previously volunteered to sing “Chorus Line Medley” and be coached for all to see and hear. This week the volunteer was Steve Murane


Communications director Matt Doniger conducted this week’s business session.  Purchases of reusable shopping bags at the Bailey’s Crossroads Giant earn cash rewards for our chapter. Terry has the details. Secretary Dave DesPortesreports that we are now starting to receive membership renewals from BHS staff and Dave will share them with us as they come in.


Membership chairman Jacob Broudy reminded attendees about the chapter social event for a Poker Night coming up on May 15th. He also is seeking ideas from members as to other ideas they might have to bring members together.


This week we were lucky to have a member, Michael Fasano, do an elective presentation (all members are welcome to step up and do a presentation of about 30 minutes about ANYTHING that the member is passionate about.  Tell Joe orTerry if you’d do on).


Mike’s topic was “Collecting Anything Beatles Related.” The bulk of his time was sharing collections of records. He taught us what to look for in old LPs and shared his joy in things he has in his own collection.  He had taken the time to photograph things for us to see on Zoom, and he concluded by sharing other Beatles memorabilia and collectibles he has acquired. 


Our next  Harmonizer Tuesday meeting will be via Zoom again at 7 pm on May 18th, 2021. 


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 72nd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)


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