Looking Back on the Sept. 28th 2021 Hybrid Chapter Meeting
The rain held off Tuesdasy night, so when the Harmonizers arrived at Scottish Rite Temple, they gathered out front of the building facing Braddock Road to visit and catch up. Then at 7 pm, associate director Tony Colosimo conducted a good warm up period for all singers on the steps of the building.
The tech crew of Mike Kelly and Dennis Ritchey had their hands full again this week with some sessions outside and some sectionals in four different rooms inside the building. Plus it is getting dark earlier and earlier, so they provided some extra lighting outside. There were about six guys connected on Zoom too this week.
Artistic director Joe Cerutti welcomed the members present and all those on the Zoom call, announced that Donnell Torres passed his audition last week, and welcomed David Breen as a guest in the bass section.
There were sectionals inside the Scottish Rite Temple to work on the Jim Clancy arrangement of “Silent Night,” and a shortened version of “Sleigh Ride/Jingle Bells” like we have done at the holiday pub crawl in recent years.
When the singers regrouped outside again, they whole group sang those two songs and continued their work from last week on “Carol of the Bells.”
Joe promised next week there would work on the holiday show opener, “Trim Up The Tree” lyrics and rhythm. Again he suggests that just working on Tuesday night on this song will not be enough.
Songs for this week will be used for a holiday show Friday, Dec. 10th at 7:30 pm, in Schlesinger Hall.
Members were alerted to watch for two surveys of the membership. One is the monthly Pulse Survey that may be submitted anonymously, if desired. That survey will include some options about alternative rehearsal nights. The second one is asking the singer’s intentions or interest in extra participation options for the holiday show.
Executive director Randall Eliason reminded members that the chapter continues to manage attendance so as to comply with CDC guidelines. Everyone present must have been vaccinated, wear masks inside, stay home if feeling ill, use Zoom if needed, if exposed – stay home for two weeks, and if sick – let chapter leadership know.
As per the chapter bylaws, President Stan Quick has announced a call for an election of officers and board members for the BHS chapter on Oct. 12th. Here is the list of nominees from the nominating committee: Noah Van Gilder (President); Dave Kohls (Vice President); Devin Gerzof (Secretary); Terry Reynolds (Treasurer); Joshua Baumgardner (Member at Large); John Greene (Member at Large); Carolyn Griffin (Member at Large); Bruce Roehm (Immediate Past President/Member at Large); and Frank Shipp (Member at Large).
The nominating committee was chaired by Steve White with committee members Dave Kohls, Devin Gerzof, Noah Van Gilder and Steve Murane. Steve also thanked several other members who helped with ideas and suggestions including Liz Birnbaum, Randall Eliason, Dean Rust, Clark Chesser, Tony Colosimo, Jack Pitzer, and Terry Reynolds.
Stan also saluted a quartet of guys from the chorus who sang for the 100th birthday of a WWII veteran in the Hayfield Farm section of Fairfax County, Tony Scinta. Carl Kauffmann, Randall Eliason, Mike Schwartz, and Dean Rustsang at the outdoor neighborhood event on Sunday, Sept. 26th. They chose several old songs including the military medley which Tony was still singing later that afternoon.
Membership director Jacob Broude reminded guys about the party to honor the bass section for their success on Spring2ACTion that will be in the afternoon of Nov. 6th. There will also be a top golf event this fall. And Jacobthanked Alan Wile for bringing the Hamro Hero Books and putting them out for all to look through as a way of learning more about our fellow members.
The Harmo family is reminded of the Remembrance Service for Sandy Stamps which is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23 at 11am at the Fairfax United Methodist Church, 10300 Stratford Ave, Fairfax VA. The Harmonizers will sing “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” “I’ll Be Seeing You,” and “There Must Be A City.”
The rehearsal concluded with sectional duets on the holiday songs sung this week and then the adjournment to the afterglow at the Harmo House.
Our next Harmonizer Tuesday meeting will be at 7 pm on Oct. 5th, 2021 at Scottish Rite Temple on Braddock Rd. in Alexandria and will be a hybrid meeting again.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 73rd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)
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