Looking Back on the March 15th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting
This week’s meeting was a busy one with lots of music to sing and work on so that coach Steve Scott could hear it and offer suggestions for improving songs in our current repertoire. He has worked with our chorus several times and there is always a growth spurt after his visit to sing better. At the afterglow there were lots of comments about how his suggestions for singing made the task easier and more comfortable. Steve comes to us from Nashville TN where he is director of Harmony University and Education Services for the Barbershop Harmony Society.
After the warm up, artistic director Joe Cerutti started the coaching session with the chorus singing “Bridge Over Troubled Water.”
The total attendance was again at the 60-man level combining Zoom and in-person.
Joe shared another Harmonizer Hero Factoid about one of the members on the riser. This week he shared that Mike Edison is married to his high school sweetheart and has written materials for Vendor Risk Management.
Membership chairman Jacob Broude welcomed four guests: Cy Shuster returning for a second visit; Harry Bickford, a friend of Michael Berkson, for his first visit; Julian LaFlore who visits us frequently; and Candra Rice, bass in HOT PURSUIT quartet with Tessa Walker. Will Cox directed the Harmonizer Welcome song for the guests.
There was a choreography review with Turner Arndt on “Help from My Friends” again this week. After the review, Joeinvited eight guys out front to perform the song with the choreo. He thanked them all for their willingness and good work!
During the evening there was work “42nd Street,” “Oh What a Beautiful Morning,” “Somethings Comin,” and “Never Fully Dressed.”
The chorus has two shows on the horizon. We are hosting the Yale Wiffenpoofs on Fri. March 18th at 6:30 pm at the Scottish Rite in DC – at 2800 16th St. NW. There is a 5 pm call for the chorus – with a note to prepare for parking or ride Metro. Uniform is black camp shirt, jeans and black shoes. Masks will be optional.
Then we will do a show in Rappahannock, VA, on Sat. April 9th. There will be a bus for this away-trip. A VLQ will sing a couple songs – they rehearsed after this week’s meeting and will do so each week on Tuesday night.
An invite was extended for an afterglow at the Harmo House at 3916 Stevens Street in Alexandria. Our guest coach was there too and the guys had fun singing tags with him.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 73rd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)
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