Looking Back on the March 22nd 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting
A great spring day yielded a great evening for singing and the guys came to work on their music!
After a strong warm up period with associate director Tony Colosimo, artistic director Joe Cerutti took the microphone and praised and thanked the chorus for their excellent show on Mar. 18th with the Whiffenpoofs. He was especially happy that the chorus implemented so much of the coaching advice from Steve Scott during the Mar. 15thchapter meeting.
Music work this week was all in preparation for the Rappahannock Show on April 9th starting with “There Must Be a City,” then a longer work session on “42nd Street.” Joe did announce that the VLQ will only sing “The Armed Forces Medley” on that show and that those singers would meet for a few minutes after tonight’s meeting.
Next the music team kicked off the special work process for “Something’s Comin” with sectionals. When all singers returned to the risers, Joe thanked the section leaders for their work and preparation. Next Tuesday there will be small groups working on that song and guys can get a listener to give them feedback.
The business session this week was a busy one. Robyn Murane was present this week to give each guy his new white shirt to wear on the show. She will return next week to continue the distribution and collection of payments. A riser crew was requested for after-the-meeting to load the truck for this weekend’s riser rental.
Jack Pitzer welcomed three singing guests on behalf of the membership chairman: Cy Shuster returning for a third visit; Michael Pugh returning for his third visit; and Andrew Wu for a second visit. Terry Reynolds directed the Harmonizer Welcome song for the guests. Earlier in the evening, Joe welcomed former chapter board member Marie Muscella. She was present as host accompanying one of the finalists for the chapter’s new general manager.
Immediate past president Stan Quick presented two more of the chapter’s annual awards. A full report of this year’s recipients will be published in a subsequent Looking Back report.
Current president Noah Van Gilder presented checks of financial support to the quartets competing this weekend at the Southern Division contest in Wilmington, DE, who have Harmonizer members: B&B with Lance Fisher and John Sifuentes; BREAKTHROUGH with Jason Lee, Ken White Mike Fasano and Jordan Zimmerman; TAYLOR MADE with Rick Taylor; FIRST TAKE with Tony Colosimo and Andrew Havens; FANTASTIC FOUR with Dale Bird; BREAKFAST BREAK with Scott Beach, Mike Geipel and Vinny Capaccio; and JEFFERSON PLAID TIE with Lance Fisher. The chapter cheers for each quartet was our way of giving them good luck wishes in the competition.
Front row captain Bruce Roehm announced there would be an opening for two or three new men in the front row and those interested should contact him ASAP to obtain audition information.
Singing continued with work on “Sing a Song” and “Circle of Life” with choreography review provided by Turner Arndt.
An invite was extended for an afterglow at the Harmo House at 3916 Stevens Street in Alexandria to include the March BirthdayGlow with birthday cake and pizza too. Joe recognized all 13 current members who celebrate this month by name and the guys on the risers gave each a one-clap cheer.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 73rd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)
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