Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Looking Back on the September 27th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the September 27th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting


It was a very busy night at the Scottish Rite Temple (SRT) with the Harmonizer working on their holiday show music in the auditorium, and the very first gathering of Metro Voices project chorus in the board room. 


Artistic director Joe Cerutti and Tessa Walker worked with the dozen singers present for the launch of this new ensemble. There were a number of singers present that were brand new to barbershop singing, and there were a few singers that have been part of the Harmonizer family for a while. 


Metro Voices will meet every other week on Tuesday at SRT until the Harmonizer holiday show when they will likely sing a song on that show. 


For the Harmonizer rehearsal, associate director Tony Colosimo did a warm up session to kick off the singing. Some men wore masks at the request of chapter leadership based on exposure to COVID last weekend. Members who could not attend this week were connected via Facebook Live.  


Before Joe started working on this week’s music, he thanked the many men who took a few seconds to respond to the latest Pulse Survey.  The music and chapter leadership appreciated the candid suggestions and helpful responses and those leaders will meet soon to review and consider implementation. Terry Reynolds will also send out another survey to get a read on the use of Facebook Live. 


Singing got underway this week with sectionals to dust off  “Caroling, Caroling,” “Do You Hear What I Hear?,” and “Mary Had a Baby.” The chorus returned to the risers to sing those songs. 


Joe explained all the music that will be sung at the M-AD contest and convention in Lancaster, PA, Oct. 7 and 8.  He suggested that if it makes it easier for some singers to participate, the chorus members only needed to be up there for the afternoon and evening on Sat. Oct. 8. The only songs that will be sung are “Never Fully Dressed,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water” and “Circle of Life” for the Saturday night show; plus a couple simple songs “Sweet and Lovely” and “Heart of My Heart” for a class for training new directors training; and parts of “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” and Somethings Comin” for the master class in the afternoon.  Executive director Randall Eliason reminded members about the expansion of a housing block (reported in a recent email to all members from the district leadership). 


Next week the chorus will work on a couple of new songs – “JINGLE Bells” and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”  The learning process of sectionals and small group listening sessions will be used again.


Joe announced that there will be five chances for solos on the holiday show, and four chances for a quartet to sing. Volunteers should speak with Terry right away to express interest.  If any organized chapter quartet wants to do a full number on the show, also speak with Terry


Finally, Joe shared the latest plans for the sing and social time with Alfred Street Baptist Men’s Choir.  The Alfred Street leaders reached out to Joe to express their eagerness to organize another gathering of men to sing together.  It will be on Wed. Oct. 12th at SRT.  They have invited another chorus and we will be inviting some other area chapters to join us.  Dean Rust is organizing this effort and Clyde Crusenberry is organizing the refreshments part of the night.  Some of the Harmonizers should expect to lend a hand as needed. 


The business portion of the meeting started with chapter secretary David DesPortes presenting a 27-year membership renewal to Randall Eliason. Joe did a quick “factoid” from a Harmonizer Hero form that a member had submitted. This time it was from Jason Lee’s form.  We learned about his important work at John Hopkins, that he has done two marathons, and that he has been singing since he was five. 


Then membership director, Jacob Broude welcomed guests – former members Toby Molander from Sweden and Jim Gammon, who were in town for a bit; and Jonathan Rogas, son-in-law of Ike Evans.  Terry Reynolds directed the “Harmonizer Welcome Song.”


Next there was more sectional work on “Gloria” followed by the whole chorus singing it.


The meeting ended with Sheryl Berlin directing “Sweet and Lovely” to sing out the night.


Joe welcomed all to the afterglow at the Hamro House which was well attended.  Amazing how fast the Harmonizers can inhale four or five pizzas!


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)



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