Friday, January 26, 2024

Looking Back on the Jan. 23, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

  Looking Back on the Jan. 23, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

There was a good turnout for this week’s rehearsal back at AlexRenew.  As is the custom there, early arrivals can help move tables and chairs and set up the large meeting space on the sixth floor. The chorus will meet there for the next four weeks and then will meet off site on Feb. 20. 

The opening warm up session for the combined ensembles was conducted by Tony Colosimo, associate director of the Harmonizers.  

While both ensembles were together for warm ups, there was a brief follow-up to the Jan. 16 kickoff session – comments were good and the plans for a full and fun year seemed to be appreciated by the singers. The Singing Valentines effort for 2024 is coming up soon and all singers were invited to add their name to the clip board offering their availability on Feb. 14 to make quartet appearances in the Alexandria area (such as at city hall, at senior living places, some restaurants and office areas, and at AlexRenew). Chapter leaders will assemble quartets and make appearance appointments.

At this point, Metro Voices moved to the board room with their director, Samantha Tramack, to work on “Happy Together” and “Fight Song.”

Tony continued working with the Harmonizers on “New York New York,” “Hey Jude” which was a new arrangement for many, “Rockin the Boat,” and “Wee Small Hours.”

During the business session conducted by Steve Murane, communications director, Randall Eliason reminded all singers of the need to get gift cards and other major donations for the Gala on March 2. Development director, Ken Rub, alerted everyone that tickets are on sale for attendance at the gala. He also announced a request from the gala’s decorations committee  for members to bring them empty wine, gin, bourbon or rum bottles for the speakeasy theme. (Bring them next week.)

President Noah Van Gilder reported that Sam McFarland is home and doing ok. 

Terry Reynolds alerted all members that the survey will be coming to each person soon that they must fill out prior to their individual interview for 2024.

The details for the funeral service for Geri Geis on Friday, Jan. 25 were reviewed. Those attending met after the meeting to review “I’ll Walk with God.” 

The service will begin at the Ft Myer Old Post Chapel which is on base which means you need to allow time to go through military security. Arrive at the Hatfield Gate off Rt 27/Washington Blvd near Rt 50. Have your photo ID and vehicle registration. At 2:30 singers will gather to rehearse (outside or inside the Chapel - TBD). At 3:00 pm the service begins - Harmonizers sing “I’ll Walk with God.” At about 3:20 the service will be at the gravesite - Harmonizers sing “I’ll Be Seeing You.” Wear your own coat and tie. 

Membership director, Jacob Broude, was back and welcomed recent new members Mark Oswald and Jimmy Miotto, and guests Alex Radt, Hannah Nesich and Marsha MallettJeff Burkey was back to sing too after a few years off the risers.  

There were a few final announcements to wrap up the evening. The Catactones in Frederick, MD, sent an additional donation to go specifically to Metro Voices thanking them for singing on their holiday show. 

As part of the ongoing project to have quartets available to accept singing jobs during the year, Samantha and Mert Tramack and their quartet SWEET AND SOUR, appeared in Lawrenceville, VA, recently; as did a quartet organized by Tony with three men from the Army Chorus. Our organization has a plan to have several smaller ensembles available, as needed, to fill requests when sending the whole chorus would not be possible. 

Cy Shuster won the 50/50 this week; and Jeff Burkey directed “Keep the Whole World Singing.”

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.





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