Thursday, June 6, 2024

Looking Back on the June 4, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the June 4, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

The Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) ensembles met separately at Beth El synagogue on Seminary Road this week. A riser crew arrived at 6:15 pm to unload the truck and set up risers for the Harmonizers in the main hall. Metro Voices met in the sanctuary.  The riser crew used the sign up system instituted recently via Slack for riser crews.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted their warm up exercise and taught the “I Will Dream of You” tag.

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, welcomed Johan Westberg back to DC from his other home in Stockholm.  He has been working on his music and performance plan and will compete with the Harmonizers in Cleveland.


Joe provided printed schedules that members could use to request and sign up for individual help from the music team on the contest package. 


He encouraged all members to attend the celebration of life for Elaine Cooper who died unexpectedly in January. The service will be Friday, June 21, from 11 am – 2 pm at Lyon Park Community Center, 414 North Fillmore Street, Arlington, VA 22201.  Lunch will be served at 12:30 pm.  RSVPs are requested at 703-919-8795.  She was an active barbershopper before she joined Metro Voices, having sung with the Pride of Baltimore, Greater Harrisburg, Potomac Harmony, Vienna-Falls, and Scottsdale Sweet Adeline choruses. 

Joe also confirmed that a group of members of AACC will sing June 8 at The Bike Club to recognize major donors to spring2ACTion. Call time is 12:30 pm, singing at 1 pm. Songs will be “Why We Sing,” Hey Jude,” and “I’m Still Standing.”

Here are calendar updates from chapter leadership:  the Tuesday, June 4 chapter meeting will be at Beth El Synagogue, 3830 Seminary Rd.; the June 11 meeting will also be at Beth El; the June 18 chapter meeting will be at Heritage Presbyterian Church, 8503 Fort Hunt Rd., Alexandria. 

On June 25, we will have our annual ‘send-off’ concert  (a performance for fans before we take the contest package to Cleveland – it’s a long standing chapter tradition – family, friends and patrons are welcome to attend) at Beth El. Non-singers can arrive about 7:45 pm for the 8 pm performance. 

There will be an extra rehearsal on Thursday, June 27, at AlexRenew in preparation for Cleveland.

Here is a preview of the AACC schedule for July: 7/2 - in Cleveland; 7/9 – no meeting; 7/16 – an education meeting; 7/23 – short rehearsal for an outdoor performance and then watch “American Harmony;” 7/24 – an outdoor concert at Franconia District Park amphitheater just off Telegraph Road; 7/30 – singing in Old Town Alexandria.

There was a bandana check for the Class of 2024 – no one has had to sing “I’m a Little Teapot” so far this year!

Harmonizer uniform plans for Cleveland were reviewed – details are on SLACK.

Chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, reminded members that it was 31 days until they will be on stage in Cleveland.  He invited two Harmonizers to share how they are preparing for their appearance at the contest - Calvin Schnure andJarid Liscinsky

Both ensembles worked on their music to incorporate the changes and suggestions from the retreat. The Harmonizers worked half of their time with Joe and Turner Arndt to capture the choreography changes, and half of their time with Tony to capture the musical aspects. Those sessions were held with bass and tenor combinations and baritone and lead combinations.

Rehearsal ran nearly to 10 pm, so there was a fast sing of “Keep the Whole World Singing” and everyone pitched in to put the risers back onto the Harmo truck.  A few folks made it to the afterglow at the Harmo House – many members still catching up after the long but successful retreat and show.


In other news, president Noah Van Gilder reported that Charli Sowers, widow of Harmonizer Bill Sowers, made a generous donation to the chapter of $15,000 in Bill’s memory. This donation will allow the chapter to grow its efforts to share the joy of chose harmony singing within the community. 


Dave Barton sent word that his wife, Miriam, died March 24.  She suffered a heart attack while in the hospital.  Dave and Miriam were long-time members of the Harmonizer family.  He was an assistant director and a member of the front row for contests during his years of active membership.  He continued his membership when he retired to Florida. A Celebration of Life for Miriam will be June 21 at Faith Presbyterian Church in Cape Coral.  

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.


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