Thursday, August 15, 2024

Looking Back on the Aug. 13, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Aug. 13, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

The Alexandria A Capella Collective meeting on Tuesday, August 13. at AlexRenew was a busy one with lots of work on songs for the fall show. Tyler Carpenter filled in for Jacob Broude as membership director, and welcome guests. He also was busy engraving the new medals Harmonizer singers earned in Cleveland. (It is a great service - he gets it done almost while you wait and only costs $5.) Plus he was passing out new name tags for all singers with the new logos for the ensembles.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted warm up exercises for the combined ensembles.

Artistic Director Joe Cerruti, was happy to welcome so many guests back to sing with the choruses. He gave a big plug for the fall show, Sept. 21, at Bishop Ireton High School, (201 Cambridge Rd, Alexandria) featuring five internationally famous quartets and the two AACC choruses. A promotional blitz will happen soon. The show will have an early start so there is time for an afterglow.  There was a straw poll about afterglow attendance so the committee can plan accordingly for space. 


For those looking ahead to December, the holiday shows will be Sat. and Sun. Dec. 14 and 15, at Fairlington United Methodist Church.  Those performances will also have an early evening start time.  Joe encouraged singers to work on “Here Comes Santa Claus” to get a head start for that show.


Breaking news from Joe was word about the Harmonizers meeting an Honor Flight of Veterans from New York state, Sat., Oct. 19, in the morning. The chorus will sing the “Armed Forces Medley.” EJ Herold is helping coordinate.  (Word was also shared that a new arrangement of that song for the combine ensembles is coming soon.)


Remaining rehearsals for August include Aug. 20 at Beth El, and Aug. 27 at Beth El – which is also Guest Night for AACC. All members should invite a prospective singer – maybe even bring the guest to the venue. 


Following Joe’s announcements, the two ensembles rehearsed their music until time for business.


Tyler introduced returning guests (Adele Jones, Ian Trent, Neal Connors, Suranjan Sen, and Julian LeFlore)! Terry Reynolds directed the chapter’s “Welcome Song.”


Joe also announced two possible shows and asked for a show of hands for how many would likely attend.  There were adequate numbers and parts, so sign ups can begin on Groupanizer for an Arts on the Avenue appearance ,Sat. Oct. 5; and a retirement facility appearance on Sun. Oct. 27. 


Chapter education director, Sheryl Berlin, distributed flyers for the kick off of Capital Force the first week in Oct.  The goal is to have 25 students.  The meetings will be at Fairlington Presbyterian Church every other Sunday from 2:30-4:30 until February. Everyone one needs to give this project some attention and push in order to launch. 


Chapter secretary, Heidi Krukowski, presented membership renewal cards to the following: Zak Sandler for three years; Scott Beach, 14 years; Frank Fedarko, 22 years; and Terry Reynolds, 41 years. 


After business, there was an icebreaker event for members to exchange their favorite Olympic story.  


Both ensembles worked more on their show music before coming back together for a 50/50 drawing and to sing “Keep the Whole World Singing, directed by Julian LeFlore. The usual crowd was at the Harmo House for the pizza and visiting and story-telling and tag singing. It was fun to have our new guests there too.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 76th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.

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