Thursday, September 5, 2024

Looking Back on the Sept. 3 , 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Sept. 3 , 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

The Alexandria A Capella Collective meeting on Tuesday, September 3 was back at AlexRenew. The risers were full with the combined ensembles.  Assistant director for Metro Voices, Maggie McAlexander, managed a great warm up session, used the ‘number’ vocal exercise and the “Gingham Gown” tag  learned last week.  She invited an octet off the risers to sing the tag. 


 Artistic director for AACC. Joe Cerutti, recognized Jacob Broude and the music team for hosting a great guest night last week. He was happy to see so many guests back on the risers.

He announced that two free tickets for the Harbor City show featuring FIRST TAKE were available first come – speak to Catherine LaValley.  

The chapter was asked to sing at the City of Alexandria’s First Night on New Years’ Eve, so Joe asked for a show of hands from AACC singers to get a read on how many singers could do a gig late afternoon or early evening.  Response was good, so stay tuned for more details.

Next week’s meeting, Sept. 10 will be at AlexRenew; Sept. 17 at Beth El; and Sept. 24 AACC will sing in Old Town Alexandria.

At this point the two ensembles worked on their own repertoire in preparation for the fall show, Sept. 21, at Bishop Ireton High School, (201 Cambridge Rd, Alexandria) featuring five local area quartets and the two AACC choruses. Theme for the show is Homecoming – an evening with family and friends. The show will run 6-8:15 pm followed by an afterglow. Chorus call will be 1:30 pm at the school.

They remerged to the risers and worked on combined songs with Samantha Tramack, director of Metro Voices, at the helm.

Chapter executive director, Stan Quick held the business session.  As a reminder, the fall show is just 18 days away. The two ensembles are singing really great for the show already. Ticket sales for the show are underway and chapter leaders are eager for ideas on how to reach more potential patrons. 

Show producer, Catherine LaValley, was busy during the rehearsal time to capture video of AACC singers at work preparing for the show – the footage to be used for promotion.  Thus the request for members to wear their AACC t-shirt this week.

Ken Rub is seeking a volunteer to work back stage, with him, at the fall Mid Atlantic District (M-AD) contest in York, PA, Sept. 27 28.  Expenses are covered.  See Ken about this chance to help the M-AD stage crew.

Stan reminded all that volunteers are needed for the fall show. It could be members who are not singing this show, or family members or friend.

Chapter secretary, Heidi Krukowski, presented a membership renewal to brand new member Adele Jones; and a 50-year lapel pin for Rick Savage. (Our chapter has a long tradition of giving a pin for a member who reaches the 50-year point.)


A riser crew had put up risers for both ensembles. Tyler Carpenter was prepared to engrave the medals for Harmonizers.

Alan Wile was set up to sell 50/50 tickets without his usual helper, Walt Page, who was in the emergency room on Monday, but is doing better as of Wednesday. Leaders also shared that Charlyne Miller reports that her husband is improving in a hospital in Tuscany, but needs to remain in the hospital a couple more weeks where they were vacationing.  Zag Sandler and his wife were in Portugal for their honeymoon vacation, and he fell and broke a hip. More details to come on his situation.

The AACC holiday show is set for Dec. 14 and Dec. 15 with afternoon show times, at Fairlington United Methodist Church. Work on the music for that show began this week during the ensemble rehearsals.


Membership director, Jacob Broude, welcomed six returning guests (Annie Ermlick, Jim Bradford, Lynne Benedicy, Katie Raimonde, Suranjen Sen, and Alessandra Daigneault)  and the AACC chorus sang the chapter “Welcome Song” to them, directed by Terry Reynolds


President Noah Van Gilder presented the 2023 Chapter Distinguished Awards.  He presented half of the awards this week and will wrap up the presentations next week.  Alan Wile, long-time awards program helper, had ordered the plaques and handed them to recipients as they were announced.


The president has the privilege to give Meritorious Service Awards. Noah awarded that award to Patricia Chow for her work to help launch Metro Voices and her contributions in many ways to take care of details for that ensemble.


New Note of the Year Award was presented to Maggie McAlexander for her work as a music team member since she joined.


The recipient of the Sandy Stamps “Open Arms” Award was given to Mary Cooper who sings with Metro Voices but has been an important member to welcome guests and singers in the larger chapter.


Lance Fisher and Sophie Clarke received the Ibbianne & Wilbur Sparks Award as a family unit that has made a difference in the chapter’s music program. 


After the second-half music rehearsal period, the ensembles reassembled for a 50/50 drawing and to sing “Keep the Whole World Singing, directed by Rick Savage. The usual afterglow was held at Harmo House.


Until next time – editorjack


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 76th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.

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