Monday, June 25, 2012

Looking Back on the June 10th Show at Leisure World and the June 12th Chapter Meeting

After the successful spring show at George Mason on June 9th, the chorus went out the next day and did a big show at Leisure World in Silver Spring.

The venue was the Interfaith Chapel there and the audience of seniors was grateful for the good show. The acoustics there were awesome.

Musically it was a repeat of the Saturday nite show with less costume changes, an extra song, and just two quartets.

MAYHEM with Matt Fellows, Neil Dingle, Mike Pinto and Ken White, who are headed to Portland this summer, sang for us; as did ACME CHORD COMPANY, who recently took first place at the Southern Division Contest, with Dan O’Brien, Chris Susalka, Paul Grimes and Chris Yates.

Bruce Lauther gets the nod and thanks for having lined up this show for us. Greg Tepe was producer for the show.  Scipio Garling and Mike Kelly introduced songs.  The riser crew had to work to fit things into the chapel area.  Thanks to them. Also thanks to the Bobs – Blair and Rhome – for packing the truck Sat nite for the Sun show so Carl Kauffmann could drive it out to MD. Scott Kahler did the sound board.

We were welcomed to the show by Dr. Bartman, minister of music at Leisure World chapel.

The June 12th chapter meeting and rehearsal were work sessions in preparation for the huge gig at DAR Constitution Hall on Tuesday, June 19th for the Jefferson Awards.  We are doing some extra songs to help the show for back up of award winners, making a grand entry, and singing some tribute music to winners, all in addition to two chorus songs.

First tho, Director Joe Cerutti gave those in the hall a sneak preview of the ballad for Toronto International, arranged by Wayne Grimmer.

Joe also was proud of the two awesome shows this past weekend.  Now on to the one next week!

Associate director Tony Colosimo did the vocal warm ups and turned the chorus over to Joe to work on the songs for the show.  Meanwhile a photographer from The Washington Post was in the hall to shoot action shots to go with a future article the newspaper is planning.

We sang the new music and the “Great Day” and “Jersey Boys” over and over to be prepared.

The chapter meeting period was conducted by operations vp Scott Kahler.  All those needing to turn in their deposits to Brad Jones for the China trip were encouraged to do so!

Show producer for the 19th, Greg Tepe, reviewed some important details that guys needed to know such as the chorus call is 5:30; nearest Metro is reportedly 7 blocks away; DAR is a Union House so no touching, talking, moving, sitting or being late, but remain flexible; we will have three dressing rooms so change when you are told to; singer entrance to DAR is at 18th and C Streets.

Uniform chairman Tom Kern was taking shirt sizes for a new casual shirt the chorus is planning to get.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented a Man of Note pin to Bruce Lauther for bringing in John Greene. Craig Odell received his membership renewal card for 43 years; Jim Lake for 19 years; Tony Colosimo for 19 years; and Ike Evans for 25 years, including his special pin.

Assistant director Terry Reynolds is working with a small group of singers to do another special number for the show.

Membership vp Phil Ashford introduced a long line of guests including his parents, Cecil and Patty Ashford; several guys who are applicants for membership; a couple former members; some family members; a district official; and Burt Szabo, former BHS staffer.

There was a 10 minute break, and since we were using the adjacent school hall, we didn’t make coffee, but there were goodies thanks to Ellen, Jack, Matt Kahn, and leftovers from the Sunday show rescued by Ross Felker.

After the break the meeting continued, with some guys reclaiming the items they had lost at the shows.

President Steve Murane reported that we earned $2650 for the Sunday show. 

And he honored the successful show producer, Nick Leiserson, with a plaque.  There was a round of loud cheers for the good work by Nick and the team of folks he recognized and thanked. (An earlier Looking Back column reported those who made contributions.)

Terry Reynolds also announced that songs for the chorus to learn for the China trip are coming online.

He also reported that the chapter meeting on July 3rd will likely be the Hospital sing, and then there will be a regular rehearsal on July 10th.  There will be a retreat all day Saturday Sept 29 in prep for our contest appearance in Ocean City, Oct. 13th.  We will also have an extra rehearsal on Wed. Oct. 10th.

Then it was back to work on the show music with drills for stage presence.  Don Dillingham will recite a poem while the chorus sings.  Tony Colosimo and Doug White will do the solos for “Jersey Boys” this time.

Before we left the hall, there was a drill to practice the march in plan for the DAR show.

Burt Z closed the meeting with KTWWS.

During the early part of the meeting, there was a meeting of the FRIENDS OF HARMONY.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)

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