Friday, July 27, 2012

Looking Back on the July 24th Chapter Meeting

It was another fantastic summer meeting for the Harmonizers. Risers were full and the guests just kept coming in.

Our listening session was a chance to enjoy DA CAPO singing their popular “Kentucky” song from their new CD.  When associate director Tony Colosimo started the warm up session for the chorus, he hinted that if anyone wanted their own CD, he some in the car!!

One special guest in the hall for the nite was Ms. June Soh from Voice of America.  She interviewed and filmed director Joe, Ken Fess, Noah Van Gilder and Jack Pitzer. Plus she filmed a lot of the action during the rehearsal.  She plans to attend the show Thursday nite too.

Before the meeting and while the hall was being set up, Chuck McKeever taught a crew of the new guys stage moves for several of our songs.

When director Joe Cerutti came forward, he made a few comments including a special welcome to our International guests and those who hosted them or made extra efforts to get them to Durant.  He urged all to invite singers to Audition Nite on Wed., July 25th at Durant.

YeEd spoke with Joe before the meeting and found out he has been earning a lot of extra miles!  He flew to Seattle as guest speaker and faculty for the district barbershop school there.  Then came home for rehearsals and then will go to Michigan for a district youth camp up there before he flies from MI to MO for Harmony University. 

YeEd knows that Joe, Tony and Mike Kelly are going to St. Joe, MO, for the weeklong event.  All are on the faculty.  Without specifics, heard that Joe is directing the major chorus of the week and teaching and coaching.  Tony is also teaching and he is excited about a tag singing class he was invited to teach.  Mike is teaching video techniques and filming the kick off address by the new CEO of the BHS for the webcast of the school.  YeEd suspects others from our chapter are going, so we will hear from some of them with news, and a report on who ate the most ice cream. 

Our guests from Australia also took a flight from VA to MO this week.

Speaking of BHS things, wasn’t it neat to see the article in the recent Harmonizer magazine about TBD and the guys from our chapter.  Good job Scipio Garling and Tom Kraus.

Singing for the nite started with work on “Circle of Life” to be sung on the China trip with the Toronto chorus.  Most guys were far along in singing it without the screen or music.  Also we worked on “Rainbow Sister” – working first on the notes before we tackle the Chinese pronunciation. Thanks to the guys who did the learning music – Tony sang three parts and Mike sang one, Dan O’Brien put things together.  Joe announced that we will be singing this song after returning from China, so everyone should learn it, even those who won’t make the trip.

Then Joe and his music team moved into songs for the show this Thursday nite at John Carlyle Park  -- part of our annual summer concerts for the City of Alexandria.  See detailed emails from producer Greg Tepe re: uniform, times and songs.  And have your cell phone on for any possible word about cancelling the gig for bad weather. 

The chapter meeting was conducted by Mark Klostermeyer (K12) who was sub for the operations vp.  Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented a 3-year renewal card to Don Dillingham and reported that Dennis Ritchey has renewed.

Membership vp Phil Ashford had a looooong line of guests to introduce this week.  About 5 were applicants for membership, several were with us for the first time and got the usual “I Visited the Harmonizers” button. Phil appreciated the help from Jacob George with all the sign in duties.

Alex and Jonathan were here from Australia. Geoff was here from the British barbershoppers group.  Some members of other chapters were visiting in town and came to see and hear us, and family members of guys came out to sing along and enjoy the nite.

For break, we had lemonade and the usual goodies.

The meeting time continued about the long break.  Several announcements were made for those going to China. Greg is producer of shows on that trip and is reminding guys to be prepared for the uniform requirements.  Some of us not going may need to share the blue silk-ish shirts.

Word was also announced that a new casual shirt is due to arrive soon so watch for distribution details.

Craig Kujawa is coordinating our chapter’s trip to the fall Mid Atlantic District contest.  He has negotiated a hotel for all of us that luckily has a place for us to rehearse while in Ocean City. He announced that each guy should plan to get his convention registration (needed to be able to sing on stage) via the chapter Marketplace on the web.  Do it before Aug. 21st. The convention is Oct. 12-13 with return on 14th.   When you get the email from Craig in the next day or so, PLEASE RESPOND!

Assistant director Terry Reynolds reminded everyone of the importance to sign on our Groupanizer page so you get the text messages if a show is cancelled.

Joe announced that the NO BORDERS YOUTH CHORUS will do a show again on Dec. 26th at Carnegie Hall in NYC. Must be 30 or under to be in the chorus.  Again, watch for email details about applying to participate. Tony will help direct.  OC TIMES and VOCAL SPECTRUM will be guest quartets.

President Steve Murane reported that the board met with the organizer of the chapter’s invitation and show for the anniversary of the D-DAY landings in Normandy, France, in 2014.  Fees for a singer or any family member will be $2,500 for plane fare, hotel, some meals and ground transportation. Trip will be June 4-9 in 2014.

Next, president Steve presented cash support to our guys in quartets that went to Portland – we provide monies to cover registration for each Harmonizer in the quartet.  Joe Sawyer, Tony Colosimo and Ken White were on hand tonite.

Getting back to work on the risers, Tony taught another awesome barbershop craft class with a theme – your voice matters. There were guys taking notes!

Joe took us back to work to apply that maxim on our contest songs which was a strong session for the singers.  Tho the AC was off, as usual after  9 pm, everyone worked hard right up til 10.

An especially big crowd went over to the Hilton for the afterglow and we sat outside on the patio.  There was some great tag singing with all of the guests.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)

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