Looking Back on the August
2nd Chapter Meeting
thanks to Clark Chesser for taking
notes this week, and Ian Poulin and Walt Page managing refreshments while YeEd was traveling.)
The chorus arrived and
found that instead of the normal risers, we had chairs arranged in two circles
surrounding director Joe Cerutti at
the conductor stand. Joe warmed us up.
We had several chapter
friends, some of whom we hadn't seen in a while Rick Taylor, Chuck Harner, Chuck Roots and Lou Bergner. Good to see them back!
We drilled "Ob la
Di" focusing on pitch, shape and style. Then we ran "Hey Jude",
and announced that we would not use the overhead projector in the near future -
if you need the music, then bring it. Then Joe
ran "All You Need is Love" and had volunteer quartets come up and
sing some parts of it.
At the half time, it was
announced that the Harmonizers were invited to a Men’s Night Out Summer Sing on
Aug. 3rd hosted by the Washington Men’s Camerata at St. John’s
Episcopal Church in DC. Dave Kohls
sings with that group as well.
The Market Square
concert has a call time of 6:30 pm on Friday - Show starts at 7:30pm.
President Randall Eliason announced that Bob Wilson just started chemo and would
appreciate notes from guys in the chapter (bobw23229@gmail.com). Also, Alan Kousen has been diagnosed with
prostate cancer, but that it's been caught early and he's about to start
Randall presented the Presidents Valor Award to Stan Quick for his help with finding places for our various guests
that have come to visit us over the past year - he has the nickname Sheraton
Next Rick Taylor (a new staff member of the
Harmony Foundation and a long-time Harmonizser), spoke to the members about the
Foundation. Joe chimed in with encouragement
to join and support this organization.
Secretary Chris Beuchler announced the renewals
of Jeff Burkey ( 2yrs), Elliot Roseman (4 yrs) and of our
newest members Jason Lee (14 yrs!!).
Jeremy Richardson was acting membership VP, as Rich Hewitt had just come back from his
adventure in Egypt and Turkey and was recuperating from jetlag. We had lots of potential
singing guests this week too.
After a quick break we
rehearsed music that we're going to sing on Friday at the Market Square
Finally we had to say
good bye to Doug White, and sang
"A Place on the Risers." Doug
and his family are moving to Korea for an extended duty assignment. We will
miss Doug a lot!
Jason Lee won 50/50 so he directed “Keep The Whole World Singing.”
In other news, we did
our hospital sing on Tuesday, July 26th. (These notes from the Hospital sing were taken by Alan Wile.) About 30 singers gathered in the lobby of Alexandria Inova Hospital about 7 p.m. Associate
director Tony Colosimo directed and
warmed up the group on some songs to sing in the hospital wards. This is an
annual event for the Harmonizers. Our group sang in five wards before departing
about 8:30 pm.
Late word that Burt Stueve is in Inova Fairfax Hospital with inoperable cancer. Our thoughts are with he and his wife Beryl.
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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