Looking Back on the Oct.
7th Alexandria festival show and Oct. 10th Chapter Meeting
The Art on the Avenue show
on Sat. Oct. 7th in the Del Ray area of Alexandria was fun for the
chorus and our a cappela group TBD. The
roving audience was appreciative and we got in several plugs for our fall show
and for recruiting singers. Sam McFarland staffed a table near our
show stage. The materials for this table
were prompted by membership director Dave
Kohls with help from the communications director Steve Murane plus Robyn
Murane and Liz Birnham.
Associate director Tony Colosimo was director and
assistant director Terry Reynolds
helped with some of the song introductions as did Randall. The crowd really
responded to an old audience favorite, “Summertime” and also to “Blow Gabriel,
TBD sang three good
songs and also got the attention of the audience. Reed
Livergood is their director.
Kudos to Mike Kelly for helping with the sound
work and Matt Doniger for the Harmo
truck and riser set up and reloading. Also thanks to all the men who helped
with the riser move in and move out so fast.
The Tuesday nite Oct.
10th meeting and rehearsal were packed full with fall show
preparation and the annual chapter meeting. A number of family members were
there to watch too.
Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups after
the riser crew got the room set up.
Director Joe Cerutti met with
the fall show producer and then came into the rehearsal. He was full of encouragement and responses
from those who have heard us recently (including a youth quartet in CA who
heard us do one of the spirituals at HU and decided to learn it too – Joe played a recording of them for us).
Joe has actually been under the
weather with flu symptoms but is on the mend now.
For the music working
time, we went through the show songs in order (and for timing). Joe
and Tony offered some reminders.
When we stopped singing
to have our chapter meeting, we took a minute to sing Happy Birthday to
secretary Chris Buechler and to Rick Wagner’s brother who was visiting
from NY.
Executive director Terry Reynolds conducted the usual
business portion of the meeting starting with a reminder that we meet back at
First Baptist next Tues, Oct. 17th.
AND note that there
will not be a tech rehearsal on Thursday, Oct. 12th.
Anyone who didn’t sing
in the fall contest and is planning to sing in the fall show, and who has not
asked for a new green pocket stuffer should contact Robyn Murane.
Reminder of the fun
evening Oct. 25th at Alfred Street Baptist, hosted by the men’s
choir there to bring together the Harmonizers, the Alfred Street men’s choir, the
Alexandria Singers (directed by Bill
Colosimo) and a Spanish choir.
For those looking
ahead, the holiday show music is on the website.
The Veterans’ Day singout
is at Oakton Elementary school again – Friday Nov. 11th. An 8:30 am chorus call – wear a suit and tie
or military uniform.
Sandy Stamps is eager
to issue White House holiday ornaments to the chapter members and friends – get
some before we get involved in our own holiday shows. $25 each. Get some on consignment.
Fall show producer Ken Rub issued a 5:15 pm arrival time
for the Fri. nite show. The parking
garage there opens at 5 pm. Uniform – black suit, white shirt that covers
buttons, thin black tie, black shoes. Riser crew at 4:30.
President Randall Eliason welcomed Don Thompson back after knee surgery,
reported that Bob Mattes has a
compression fracture. And Mike Edison
reported talking to Kevin McKenzie
who is also suffering from a compression fracture.
As many of you know,
the Harmony Foundation offers a Donor Choice program for those who contribute to the
Foundation. Donors have the option to designate up
to 30 percent of their contributions to be returned to the chapter or district
(or both) of their choice. President Randall extended appreciation for the
very generous support provided by many Harmonizers and their families, which
allowed the Foundation to send the chapter a check for $3,244.70 representing our 2017 Donor Choice proceeds for the six months ended last June. (Donations received in the
second half of the year will be distributed to us next March.) In addition
to supporting the good work of the Harmony Foundation, this program provides an
important source of revenue for our chapter.
The annual chapter
meeting was called to order by Randall. Secretary Buechler declared a quorum was present. The slate was elected by
President – Shawn
Immediate Past President – Randall Eliason (not subject to election)
Secretary – Christopher
Treasurer – Alan
Member at Large – David Branstetter
Member at Large – Clyde Crusenberry
Member at Large – Matthew Doniger
The nominating committee included Alan Wile, chair with Clark
Chesser, Bradley Jones, Mark Klostermeyer and Todd Ryktarsyk.
After adjournment, the regular
business continued.
Secretary Chris explained he’d be missing the show following surgery this
weekend. Take care, Chris. He presented membership renewal cards and
appropriate lapel pins to Carlos Barillo
for 6 years; Tim Cash for 19 years; Phil Ashford for 40 years; Dick Dangel for 25 years; and Don Thompson for 25 years.
Membership director Dave Kohls thanked the many men who
have filled out the strategic planning survey and asked the rest to do so too.
He also asked for non-singers in this weekends’ shows to help staff a
membership info table at the two shows. His membership team member Rick Wagner welcomed the guests: Ryan Kasperski, Carter White, Mario Sengco,
Cyrus Lawyer (who saw us sing at the Sat. afternoon show in Del Ray), and Jim and Amy Deavers from NY.
We had a nice break with
goodies and coffee. Speaking of break
refreshments – when we get back to First Baptist, PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND TIDY so
we can leave the church clean after we leave.
We will not be fixing coffee or bringing drinks – bring you own water
and such. Thanks.
After the break, we worked
mostly on “Gabriel” for the show – especially considering that the Friday nite
show space is smaller and we will only be on five risers that nite.
Throughout the nite, there were
requests, suggestions, pleadings for action to sell show tickets. Here are the facts for your customers. A major point is to speak in person to people
and not count on social media.
2017 Fall Show
The Alexandria
Harmonizers and Howard Gospel Choir of Howard University
Barbershop’s Gospel Roots
Featuring Grammy Award Winner THE
Friday, Oct. 13th - 8
At First
Congregational United Church of Christ, 945 G St. NW, Washington DC 20004
General Admission -
Saturday, Oct. 14th – 2 pm
At Schlesinger
Concert Hall, 4915 East Campus Dr., Alexandria VA (on NVCC Alexandria Campus at
the corner of Beauregard and Braddock Rd.)
Orchestra - $45 Rear
Orchestra or Box - $35 Balcony - $25
Go to harmonizers.org to order
The afterglow was at LaPortas.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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