Friday, October 20, 2017

Looking Back on the Oct. 17th Chapter Meeting
The chorus members were back at work on Tuesday nite in the music suite at First Baptist with the launch of our holiday music for the shows and singouts during the coming season.
Director Joe Cerutti did the warm ups using the “Jingle Bells” melody that we all know.  Then, using the piano to set the pitch and mood of the songs, we touched on each of tunes we will use.  Some new ones are more difficult and Joe encouraged guys to work seriously on “Mary Did You Know.” Mike Kelly was able to project the music for the songs for all to have in front of them – especially until the holiday music books are ready for the guests and newer members.
There was a longer meeting period this week as we did the wrap up from the fall shows and launched the holiday performances. Steve Murane acted as meeting chair.  Ken Rub was saluted for his leadership and direction in getting the fall show to the stages. Ken thanked all of his chairmen and team leaders.
Brian Ammerman is producer heading up the holiday shows Sat. Dec. 2 at 8 pm at TC Williams on King Street, and Sun. Dec. 3 at 2 pm also at TC Williams.  He spoke about the projected ticket sales campaign to retirement and senior centers. He spoke about the proposed ticket prices and possible discounts for seniors and youth.  He spoke about the need for all members to sell tickets and promote the show. The flyers are due soon.  There are 6 ½ weeks til the show.
Note that all the chapter meetings will be at First Baptist for the rest of the year except Tues. nite Nov. 28th.
Special thanks to Dean Rust and John Oswald Greene for their work in helping with the gathering at Alfred Street Baptist Church on Wed. Oct. 25th. The event is being co-hosted by the men’s choir and us.  It will bring together the Harmonizers, the Alfred Street men’s choir, the Alexandria Singers (directed by Bill Colosimo) and a Spanish choir from Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.  Start time is 7 pm.  Chorus wear black camp shirt and jeans outfits. Singing should be finished by 8:30 and then refreshments.
The sanctuary of the church is at 301 S. Alfred St. Alexandria, Va.    Church is on the corner of Duke and S. Alfred St.  Entrance to sanctuary is on Alfred Street.  Plan ahead, allow extra time. On the street there is both metered and non-metered parking, but it is limited to two hours during the week up to 11:00 PM.  Enforcement after dark may be spotty, but…  Private lots may be your best choice. They are owned by businesses in the area, but available to the church at no cost after 5:00 PM
All during the day on Sat. Dec. 9th the chorus will be singing at a number of senior centers around the area – likely smaller groups each singing at different ones. Clyde Crusenberry is organizing this event.
Sandy Stamps was at the meeting to distribute White House Ornaments for members to sell.
Mark Klostermeyer presented Joe a framed photo collage from the Carnegie Hall concert the chorus did in Sept.
Liz Birnbaum, president of the AH Inc. board spoke about the important work and team effort needed in the area of fund raising or building our income levels.  She announced that Johan Westberg is the new development director for the group. And there was an announcement about the silent auction slated to be held at the holiday shows.
Randall Eliason, president of the BHS Chapter board, reports that Chris Buechler is home but uncomfortable after his surgery.
Randall also invited members to consider attending the DC Chapter’s annual Harvest of Harmony on Nov. 4th.  It will be the last time DA CAPO sings, and Bill Colosimo’s last show as director with the DC Chapter. CAPITAL CITY CLOSE HARMONY CLUB will also be on that show.
By the way, the DC Chapter is in the middle of a director search – so anyone interested should contact Bill.
Membership director Dave Kohls reported on the significant response to the strategic survey from chapter members.  He also asked for help in getting fall show ticket customers from the past weekend to respond to the additional show survey (he suggested that could include any of us who saw the show too) at
Dave’s team member Rick Wagner introduced the guests: Brad Jayne, Chris Leyen and Serena Eber.
Steve White introduced the MYSTIC CHICKS quartet from the local Harmony Inc. chapter.  They are Rachael Storey (tenor), Erin Casidy-Whong (lead), Jerri White (bari, Steve's wife), and Debbie Smith (bass, Jerri's sister) They are all members of the Bella NOVA Chorus (director, Richard Lewellen). The chorus and quartet qualified earlier this year to compete in the Harmony Inc. International Competition which will be held in two weeks in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
A good crowd of guys went to the afterglow at Ramparts.
In other news, the chapter's past presidents group met Wed. Oct. 18th to provide feedback to current chapter president Randall. This group meets about quarterly as his request.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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