Friday, November 3, 2017

Looking Back on the Oct. 24th Chapter Meeting
The chorus members were back at work on Tuesday nite in the music suite at First Baptist with more solid work on our holiday music for the shows and singouts during the coming season.
Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups and used the quartet teaching method to help us learn a new tag for “Caroling Caroling.” Director Joe Cerutti worked on the show songs then and Mike Kelly projected the music for the songs. Before he started, Joe paid special tribute to Dean Rust for the many behind-the-scenes tasks Dean does for the chapter – particularly submitting grants for our chapter. The chorus gave Dean a standing o in appreciation.
Joe also explained the plan for the sing out and fellowship we are co-hosting tomorrow nite at Alfred Street Baptist Church on Wed. Oct. 25th. The event is being co-hosted by the men’s choir and us. It will bring together the Harmonizers, the Alfred Street men’s choir, the Alexandria Singers (directed by Bill Colosimo) and a Spanish choir from Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Start time is 7 pm. Joe wants our chorus there at 6 pm. We will wear black camp shirt and jeans outfits. Singing should be finished by 8:30 and then refreshments. Invite guests to this incredible combination of very diverse musical groups in our city.
The sanctuary of the church is at 301 S. Alfred St. Alexandria, Va. Church is on the corner of Duke and S. Alfred St. Entrance to sanctuary is on Alfred Street. Plan ahead, allow extra time. On the street there is both metered and non-metered parking, but it is limited to two hours during the week up to 11:00 PM. Enforcement after dark may be spotty, but… Private lots may be your best choice. They are owned by businesses in the area, but available to the church at no cost after 5:00 PM.
All during the day on Sat. Dec. 9th the chorus will be singing at a number of senior centers around the area – likely smaller groups each singing at different ones. Clyde Crusenberry is organizing this event.
Sandy Stamps was at the meeting to distribute White House Ornaments for members to sell.
Brian Ammerman is producer heading up the holiday shows Sat. Dec. 2 at 8 pm at TC Williams on King Street, and Sun. Dec. 3 at 2 pm also at TC Williams. He spoke about the projected ticket sales campaign to retirement and senior centers. THE TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE. He spoke about the need for all members to sell tickets and promote the show. The flyers are available. . President Randall explained that there will be a senior discount of 20 percent and a student discount of 50 percent. He also reminded guys to get gift cards for the silent auction at the show.
The Veterans’ Day sing at Oakton Elementary is on Friday, Nov. 10th.
Note that all the chapter meetings will be at First Baptist for the rest of the year except Tues. nite Nov. 28th. There will be no meeting on Dec. 5th. The Dec. 12th meeting will be the annual pub crawl and sing in Old Towne – all Harmonizers are welcome. And the Dec. 19th meeting will be the traditional Heat Glow Harmo Holiday Party at the home of Jack and Pat Pitzer, 7801 Suffolk Ct., Alexandria, VA 22315.
Randall introduced a member of the DC Chapter who was present to encourage our chapter to attend their annual Harvest of Harmony on Nov. 4th. It will be the last time DA CAPO sings, and Bill Colosimo’s last show as director with the DC Chapter. CAPITAL CITY CLOSE HARMONY CLUB will also be on that show.
Rick Wagner introduced the guests: Brad, Chris, Ryan and Carter. Secretary Chris Buechler was back to chapter meeting and presented a renewal card to Michael Schwartz for 23 years. It was also good to see Michael back, plus Kevin McKenzie and Brian Miller.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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