Thursday, December 28, 2017

Looking Back on the Dec. 19th Heat Glow Party
The tradition of a Heat Glow party for the Harmonizers continued this year on Tues. the 19th at the home of Jack and Pat Pitzer near Hayfield High School. Festivities started at 7:30 pm and the chapter leaders declared no meeting or rehearsal that nite.
A huge crowd came to the party bringing goodies share.  The Pitzers prepared the recipe of holiday punch that was from the recipe passed down from chapter leaders in the late 1960s when the Heat Glow event began. In those days, the chorus sang for the annual burning of the greens (discarded Christmas trees) in the City of Alexandria.
As expected, a few songs were sung and a lot of good treats were consumed by the members and their significant others. There were some recipe exchanges for sure. For sure, the house was packed!!
There were two memorials held recently for the Harmonizer family.  Bob Wachter’s wife Jean was celebrated in Alexandria on Dec. 20th. A celebration for the life of Mark Klostermeyer’s mother who died Dec. 2 was held on Dec. 24th in Mark’s framing shop which was in honor of her having started the family business years ago. Also the chapter was saddened to learn of the auto accident a few days before Christmas that took the life of Alan and Jan Lamson’s daughter-in-law in CT. 
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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