Monday, November 5, 2018

Looking Back on the Oct, 30th Chapter Meeting
(Many thanks to Gary Cregan for taking notes this time!  YeEd.)
Tuesday night was another night of hard work for the men of the Alexandria Harmonizers. Before the singing started, several men helped set up the risers in the auditorium at the Scottish Rite Temple under the oversight of Member-at-Large Matt Doniger.

Associate Director Tony Colosimo warmed the chorus up, and then proceeded to run the rehearsal for the evening, as well. Beginning with “Welcome Christmas,” we went into  sectionals on two songs, and then came back together to go through them as a group. After working on “Gloria” for a while, the chorus broke for the chapter meeting.

Communications Director Steve Murane chaired the meeting, during which there were many announcements. Steve led off with several, including the following:
 - Dean Sherick is heading up ticket sales for the Christmas show; members should see him for commission tickets. Also, anyone who took tickets early can exchange unsold tickets for the new, more attractive ones. Previously sold tickets will still be accepted at the door, so there is no need to try to exchange any tickets already sold.
- Uniform Wrangler Robyn Murane is out of town for quite a while, but is still working on costumes - email her your size if you need a colored sweatshirt for the second half of the Christmas show.
- Jeff Burkey is coordinating the toy and elf costumes for the first half of the Christmas show; see his email for instructions, and don’t forget to respond to his survey so he can track what folks are wearing.

Terry Reynolds had three announcements:
- He is still looking for non-singing volunteers to be monks in for the Hallelujah Chorus number. Contact him soon if you know anyone who can help.
- We are still soliciting donations for the silent auction at the Christmas Show. Please get out and help.
- Also, Casey Belzer is once again heading up the charge to get advertisements for the program. While you’re out asking for donations for the silent auction, see if you can sell ad space, too!
- Finally, Terry called up the members of TBD to say thanks to Reed Livergood for his four years of service as their director, and presented him with a very nice plaque as a token of their appreciation.

Steve took the mic again, with additional announcements:
- Mike Edison has the folks he needs for the riser crew on November 14. Thanks to those volunteers!
- Matt Doniger is heading up the Wilbur Sparks pickup quartet contest on December 11. See him to sign up to sing with three other guys in this fun traditional chapter event.

Joe Cerutti, Sr. then stepped up to the mic to address his ‘rock stars.’ His items:
- He had the forms for program advertisements in Casey Belzer’s absence.
- He described the perks associated with the Premier Tickets for the Christmas show in great detail.

Steve Murane wrapped up his announcements with three pieces of good news:
- Steve White has a new granddaughter, and everyone is happy and healthy.
- Steve Szyszka has returned from a trip to Ukraine.
- Johan Westberg is the Harmonizers’ newest US citizen.

Bill Carroll from the Singing Capital Chorus was visiting on Tuesday, and he took a few minutes to tell the men about their upcoming show, Melodies & Musicals. Performances are this weekend, so get your tickets soon.

Calvin Schnure announced our three guests, Bill from the Singing Capital Chorus, as well as Jim and Frank. He was also pleased to announce that Tyler Carpenter had passed his audition, and is our newest member.

After a break, we got back to work. After going through the third verse of “Little Drummer Boy,” Tony formed the chorus into eight mixed groups to work on making it better. He was very pleased with how we sounded after about ten minutes of small group work. We then worked through a few more songs, ending the night with a great rendition of “Let It Snow,” before heading home or to the afterglow.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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