Thursday, November 8, 2018

Looking Back on the Nov. 6th Chapter Meeting
This week’s meeting and rehearsal was fast paced and all aimed at preparing for the Dec. 8th holiday show.

Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups for the guys on the risers.  Folks (a few members and many non-members) preparing for the “Monks” performance practiced in a smaller room.

When director Joe Cerutti took over, he welcomed Johan Westburg who was back on the risers after lots of travel after becoming an American citizen and getting married.  He voted today for his first time. 

Joe also welcomed and congratulated Heather Havens who recently was crowned as gold medalist Queen in her quartet at the SAI contest. 

Then we launched the work on holiday songs.

For the chapter meeting, executive director Randall Eliason took charge.  He reviewed some details about the show – get your consignment tickets from Dean Sherick (but plan to have them sold and money turned in by Nov. 27th). Reminder of the show’s uniform plan and the need to get approved costumes for the first half, and Harmo sweatshirts and scarf for the second half.  Casey Belzer is accepting advertisements for the printed program.  Silent Auction items are still needed – give any donations to Randall.

For those planning ahead, holiday show producers Jeff Burkey shared that the second half songs will be “Little Drummer Boy,” “Mary Did You Know?,” “O Holy Night,” “Gloria,” “Let All Mortal Flesh,” and “Do You Hear What I Hear?.”

Matt Doniger is eager to get more quartets to sign up for this year’s fun Wilbur Sparks Memorial Put Together Quartet contest at the Dec. 11th Chapter meeting.

Randall also reported on several responses the chapter has received from the recent mailing to about 300 alumni of the chapter which included a copy of the 70th Anniversary Story.

President Shawn Tallant reported on death notices of the wife of Elliot Roseman, Rena, on Nov. 3rd; and the passing of 1975-76 chapter president Dick Bodle, in his sleep on Oct. 29th.  Cards could go to his wife Joann, Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, 1491 Virginia Ave., Apt. 591, Harrisonburg, VA 22802.

Shawn also shared announcement of the Frederick, MD, Chapter show on Nov. 10th at 7 pm.  Go to

Chapter secretary Chris Buecher presented membership renewal cards to Clark Chesser for 9 years; Shawn Tallant for 12 years; Dick Dangel for 26 years; and Troy Hillier for 28 years.

Mark Klostermeyer welcomed two singing guests present this week – Dylan and Frank.

After break (there were a bunch of quartets practicing for their Dec. 11th appearance), it was back to work on the show songs.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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