A full-house audience was on hand for the 3pm Sunday Feb. 9th show when the Harmonizers presented The Yale Whiffenpoofs at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. This is the 100th year for the famous college a cappella group, and the chapter is pleased to host them again in Alexandria.
The 50-man Harmonizer chorus for the event was directed by associate director Tony Colosimo and sang a great mixture of our songs for the mostly new-to-us audience. (Although there were some groups from other local barbershop choruses in the audience such as Potomac Harmony and Vienna Falls from SAI, and the Arlingtones from BHS that YeEd noticed.)
The opener “Great Day” got a huge response, as did “Bring Him Home” with Tony as soloist and Chuck Hunter directing; and then as usual – “New York, New York” was a big crowd pleaser. And the audience had fun singing along with “All You Need Is Love.” Other soloists for the chorus were Frank Fedarko, Clyde Crusenberry, and Kevin McKenzie.
Tony did the warm up while a crew of volunteers sold tickets, welcomed guests including some folks from local senior citizen facilities, ushered and helped the guests trade in their online paperwork for tickets. Volunteers were family members and chorus members - Aideen Mannion, Rebecca Conner, Kristen Kelly, Lydia Golden, Ginny Wells, Kitty Fedarko, Jack Pitzer, Ann Rhome, Carol Dangel, Kathy Kauffmann, Tyler and Cody Carpenter, and Krissi Folsom. Robyn Murane helped coordinate that crew. Shows chairman Joe Cerutti Sr. helped with logistics including hosting our guest artists. As usual, there was a good crew of our guys who helped move risers and get the sound equipment in place
The Whiffenpoofs are on a tour of US cities and sang a great mix of their favorites. Most of the fourteen singers had a solo or specialty piece to perform.
Chuck Hunter welcomed the audience and announced several of the songs as did Randall Eliason, who also encouraged singers to come visit the chorus. The emcees also promoted out upcoming shows.
The chorus sang about 30 minutes and the guests sang about one hour.
It was great to see several familiar faces of members in the audience including recent guest Ryan Mextorf; and members Jerry Ta Paske, Lew Klinge, Terry Jordan, Ken White, Alan Wile, Walt Page, Adam Afifi, Duncan Woodbury, and Steve Spar. There were also some of the guys who sang with us for “Harvey Milk” in the audience.
The audience was invited to complete a survey online at the following address: https://harmonizerswithyale2019.questionpro.com/
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd
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