Friday, February 15, 2019

Looking Back on the Feb. 12th Chapter Meeting 

Yes - another good crowd of singers was on the risers.  Associate director Tony Colosimo did a good warm up session again too to kick off the work for the nite.  

When director Joe Cerutti took over, he first introduced our coach for the evening, Steve Scott from Nashville.  Steve worked with the chorus last year including the weekend retreat prior to our going to compete in Orlando.  The guys were enthusiastic in welcoming him back.

Some guys actually had private coaching sessions with Steve during the day since he had arrived early.  One student was our own Bob Wachter who wanted to keep learning. (Bob is a 60+ year barbershopper!)

Joe also thanked all those who sang on the Whiffenpoof show and he reported he had heard many good comments from friends (and family) that were there.

Joe and Steve went right to work on some of our music for 2019 starting with “We Kiss…” Steve’s major thrust for the nite with us was to take the chorus to a new level in vocal production including making it easier for guys to sing well.
Before the nite ended, the chorus worked on “Anything Goes,” “Empty Tables…” and “Brotherhood of Man.”

Chapter meeting time was moderated by communications director Steve Murane and began with Terry Reynolds reporting plans so far on the one-on-one interviews with the chorus director and each member. He reminded all that they should complete the online survey prior to their interview – the sooner the better.

Terry also reported that the Singing Valentines effort is underway.  Quartets are formed and will be assigned to make appearances on Feb. 14th as part of our public relations efforts in the Alexandria area. Singers will be sent out in a mid shift and an evening shift.

Our next show is March 20th with the Alexandria Singers and Vocal Collective – an a cappella group from New Zealand.  This show will also be at George Washington National Memorial n Alexandria and starts at 7 pm on Wed. eve.  Shows chairman Joe Cerutti Sr. reports that there will be an afterglow at Chadwicks.  Tickets are just $10 each but we need to increase our efforts to sell them.

Our new education director, Sheryl Berlin, reported on the developing plans for this year’s Youth Harmony Festival, scheduled for Friday April 5th at Scottish Rite Temple.  It starts at 8:30 am and members of the chapter will be needed to register, set up and help with the events and classes of the day-long event.  It ends with a show that nite at 7 pm. The YHF is for middle school and high school students.  Students related to chorus members or neighbors are also welcome even if not attending from one of the participating schools. They can register at The fee is $20 per student which includes a t-shirt, food, music and materials. Rob Barnovsky and Mario Sengco will help Sheryl coordinate involvement by chapter members such as bringing food, coolers, helping set up and register. Stay tuned for more details. 

Shows chairman Joe Cerutti Sr. thanked Dean Sherick who has assumed duties as our ticket chairman from Ian Poulin. 

President Shawn Tallant reports good news from Mick and Sandy Stamps – she got an all clear from the cancer doctor, and Mick is making recovery following his heart surgery in the ICU at Fairfax Hospital.

Shawn asks any members willing to help fill the Angel Fund for the chapter to use as financial assistance to members when there is an emergency.  See Shawn to donate.

Shawn reminded everyone about the Presidents’ Banquet Sat. nite and encouraged all old and new members to attend. This annual event will be Feb. 16th  at 6 pm at the Lee Memorial Rec Center, 1108 Jefferson St,  in Alexandria. Dave Branstetter has the tickets. Just $30 for banquet, gifts, dancing and award ceremony for our fellow members. There will be a bar for this event as well.  Clyde Crusenberry asked for set up help at 5 pm that nite.

Anyone interested in singing the solo for “Empty Tables” should speak to Tony right away and get details.

Joe announced that plans are coming together for our attendance and participation at the Mid Atlantic District Southern Division contest and convention in Baltimore on Sat. June 1 including a couple singing times and some social events. 

It was also suggested by our convention coordinator Craig Kujawa that anyone planning to attend the International convention this summer (June 30-July 7) in Salt Lake City should note that the early bird deadline ends on Friday Feb. 15th for ordering tickets!! There will be a good representation at that convention from our chapter even tho we are not singing.  

Membership director Calvin Schnure welcomed Jimmy, Turner, Vinny and Scott.  The son of former member Bob Fulmer attended the last part of our rehearsal 

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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