Thursday, September 19, 2019

Looking Back on the Sept. 14th Fall Show – The Circle of Life 

Our fall show was a huge success for the musicians and all their fans!  The chorus sang the following songs from Broadway shows in the first half of the performance at Schlesinger Hall in Alexandria.  The show started at 4 pm.  Tickets were open seating and the hall was full.

“Circle Of Life/Heart and Music” – from Lion King and New Brain
“The Impossible Dream” – from Man From La Mancha
“Brotherhood Of Man” – from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
“We Kiss In A Shadow” – from The King and I
“If You Were Gay” – from Avenue Q
“Anything Goes” – from Anything Goes
“Empty Chairs At Empty Tables” – from Les Misérables
“Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” – from Monty Python and Spamalot
“Blow, Gabriel, Blow” – from Anything Goes
“For Good” – from Wicked
“Circle Of Life” – from Lion King

The second half of the show featured two great quartets – INSTANT CLASSIC and GQ.  They both thrilled the audience – and the chorus who got to enjoy the second half from seats on the platforms on the stage.  (The chorus had worn their new blue suites with orange accessories and got to take off their jackets for the second half.)

The show package was developed months ago with major help from coach and performer Cy Wood who reprised his Gabriel for “Blow Gabriel Blow.”

In addition we had a guest percussion group featuring Doug Carnes, Edd Duran and Mike Feathers, all friends of Joe and the chapter,  who made the “Circle of Life” songs come alive. Bob Blair joined the group too. 

The emcees for the this show were guys who stepped forward from the chorus to set the mood for the show – in a brief couple sentences- including Bob Blair, Dennis Ritchey, Brian Mextorf, Brian Ammerman, and Frank Fedarko. Ben Roberts worked with them in preparation.

Soloists were awesome including Tony Colosimo, Steve Szyszka Jon Frank, Ben Roberts, and then Will Cox, Mario Sengco and Joe Cerutti sang character parts for “Brotherhood of Man.”
Chapter shows director, Joe and Janet Cerutti Sr., hosted the guests performers, coordinated the spaces inside Schlesinger, and decorated the platforms the chorus stood on versus traditional risers. Their work started months ago in getting things set with the venue, guests, printing and promotion, and asking Harmonizer family members to help. Joe and Janet have helped develop a strong working relationship with the staff at Schlesinger.

Robyn Murane organized the many volunteers who worked in the lobby to help patrons with tickets, seating, and other tasks such as decorations, refreshments for guests, hosting the Premier show patrons, and photography including Jerri White, Patti Edison, Judy Huber, Kitty Fedarko, Rebecca Connor, Lydia Golden, Aideen Mannion, Janet Cushing, Cody Leihgeber-Carpenter, Sam McFarland, Walt Page, Naida Harrington, Kristen Kelly, Amber Friedman, Jack Pitzer, Rob Langston, and Krissi Folsom .  Thanks to Dean Sherick who was ticket chairman and to all the Harmo family that sold tickets.

Prior to the show there was a tech rehearsal on Wed eve, and a dress rehearsal on Thurs.  Saturday the various groups like speakers, soloists, and front row arrived at assigned report times with the chorus taking the stage about 2 pm.  Then they had a break to eat the lunch they brought and to dress for the show.

The printed show program was developed by Matt Doniger and Krissi Folsom. Thanks to the members who sold the many advertisements for the program. 

There was a successful afterglow at Chadwicks in Old Town – they were sponsor for our show too. Many of our show patrons took advantage of the meal discount that was offered on the show ticket receipt.  

It is exciting to have such terrific guest quartets to sing with us that weekend.  – INSTANT CLASSIC is the Barbershop Harmony Society’s 2015 International Quartet Champion.   The quartet is comprised of  David Zimmerman (tenor), Theo Hicks (lead), Kohl Kitzmiller (baritone), and Kyle Kitzmiller (bass). 

Plus GQ from the Baltimore area who were the 2013 First Place Rising Star Quartet  from Sweet Adelines.  The quartet members are Amanda Sandroni (tenor), Ali Hauger (lead), Katie Gillis (baritone), and Katie Macdonald (bass).

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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