Thursday, February 3, 2022

Looking Back on the Feb. 1st 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Feb. 1st 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

The Harmonizers were still not able to meet as a whole chorus this week because of the uptick in COVID cases in our area.  So the chapter used option 2 in the music team’s plan for meeting nights – invite an ensemble to come to the Scottish Rite Temple (SRT) and have the remaining members join via Zoom. At one point again this week, there were 60 on the call – 46 on Zoom and 14 at SRT.

This week’s ensemble included Drew Fuller and Rick Savage – tenors; Randall Eliason, Lance Fisher and Noah Van Gilder – leads; Michael Berkson, Josh Myers and Matt Riedl – baritones; Steve White, Chris Huber, David Breen and Terry Reynolds – basses.  Associate director Tony Colosimo was musical leader this week. Mike Kellywas the technical guru. 

The musical leadership worked hard to make improvements on how the session worked with a VLQ at the SRT and the rest of us on zoom.  It was a great improvement over the previous week!  As guys were getting on the call, it was amazing to discover how many fellow Harmonizers were on from another state  - Chuck Hunter from Chicago, Ian Poulin from Zion National Park, Bob Rhome from Georgia, Jack Cameron from South Carolina, Mike Edison andMike Fasano from Delaware. And then there are the guys who live more than an hour away in VA or MD!  Indeed, It’s Great to Be a Harmonizer!  Especially when we sing together.

The chapter is still hoping for a change in guidelines from our COVID committee to expand our meeting to 50 singers at SRT.  

Tony did a major warm up session for all the singers on the call and worked also at body alignments.  He frequently during the night asked those on Zoom to stand and sing too. Those at SRT started the night in the chapter meeting room there.  We all worked on “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” and Tony invited Zoomers to put observations in the chat.

Next, those at the building moved to the cafeteria to allow the air to change and move and continued working on “Beautiful Morning.” As everyone got settled for this work session, Tony announced that Randy Lazear has been named tenor section leader.  He has been singing tenor in the chorus for over 45 years and has been part of several major chapter quartets over the years. Congrats to Randy

The singers moved on to “42nd Street” and then to “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” before moving back to the SRT chapter room.

President Noah Van Gilder reported the passing of Shirley Bolstad who died on Monday.  She was 88 and had  supported her husband Harmonizer, Bruce, who preceded her in death. She served as a president of the chapter’s auxiliary  too.

Terry Reynolds reports that there is a request for a quartet or VLQ to sing at Arlington Cemetery for the burial of a grandson of a former Harmonizer vice president, Ben Collins.  Let Terry know if you are available on March 11th

He also reported on a new performance date for the chorus – Wed. August 10th.  This one is outside ion the evening in an amphitheater at Lee District Park on Telegraph Road just a mile or so north of Hayfield High School.  It is part of the Fairfax County’s summer concert series sponsored by county supervisors in locations throughout the Fairfax County Park Authority system.  

Finally, Terry asked for volunteers who would want to be in the VLQ for next week – assuming we might still need to use that format for our meeting.

After this brief business session, the singers worked on “Something’s Coming” and “Help from My Friends.”

There was an invite extended to any singers for an afterglow at the Harmo House, and then everyone joined in singing “Keep The Whole World Singing.”

Tony thanked the VLQ guys who prepared for tonight’s music work and the tech crew who make it work for all the members at home. Stay tuned again for details about our meeting plans for Feb. 8th.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 73rd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)


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