Thursday, February 10, 2022

Looking Back on the Feb. 8th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meetin

 Looking Back on the Feb. 8th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

The Harmonizers were still not able to meet as a whole chorus this week because of the uptick in COVID cases in our area.  So the chapter repeated the same procedures as the last couple weeks although the COVID committee did not require moving in and out of rehearsal space as often. The 16-man ensemble invited to come to the Scottish Rite Temple (SRT) volunteered and were prepared to sing the preannounced sections of songs. The remaining chorus members joined via Zoom. The total attendance was at the 60-man level combining Zoom and in-person.

This week’s ensemble included Brian Ammerman, Carl Kauffman and Randy Lazear – tenors; Randall Eliason, Noah Van Gilder, Rob Barnovsky, Tony Colosimo and Frank Fedarko – leads; Michael Berkson, Jacob Broude and Matt Riedl – baritones; Turner Arndt, Ike Evans, Ryan Mextorf, David Welter and Terry Reynolds – basses.  Artistic director Joe Cerutti was back from travel in Germany. Mike Kelly was the technical crew.  

Joe thanked Tony for providing musical leadership the last couple weeks. He also reviewed some upcoming calendar dates, reported that the music team has conducted 85 of the individual member interviews so far, and suggested  that the chapter is still hoping for a change in guidelines from our COVID committee to expand our meeting to 50 singers at SRT.  The goal is to try for that on Feb. 15th so all members should stay tuned.  If the whole chorus meets in-person, there will need to be a riser crew at SRT early next week.

Membership chairman Jacob Broude welcomed Julian LaFlore and Kenny Scarle as guests via Zoom.

President Noah Van Gilder reminded all members that uniform coordinator, Robyn Murane, has asked singers to please check the "fit" of their uniforms. Remember, for both uniforms (Black Tux (Tailcoat) or the Blue 3-Piece Suit) your vest must overlap the waist of your pants, without your shirt showing. If you have ANY uniform needs, please let her know what you need no later than noon, Wednesday February 9th.  She will be placing orders with our suppliers on the 10th. Payment can be made via Pay Pal or by cash/check upon delivery. If you have any questions, email, call, or text her or 909-528-6643 – cell. (Terry Reynolds added that this is especially important for anyone who might sing in the April 9th package show in Rappahannock.) 

Terry also reports that there is a request for a quartet or VLQ to sing at Arlington Cemetery for the burial of a grandson of a former Harmonizer vice president, Ben Collins.  Let Terry know if you are available on March 11th

And he reported on a new performance date for the chorus – Wed. August 10th.  This one is outside ion the evening in an amphitheater at Lee District Park on Telegraph Road just a mile or so north of Hayfield High School.  It is part of the Fairfax County’s summer concert series sponsored by county supervisors in locations throughout the Fairfax County Park Authority system.  

Finally, Terry asked for volunteers who would want to be in the VLQ for next week – just in case it is needed.  And he added the need for the riser crew at 6:15 pm.

There was an invite extended to any members for an afterglow at the Harmo House and about a dozen guys (both from SRT and from Zoom) came over.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 73rd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)


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